500,000 member custom item feedback

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by jewel_king, Dec 17, 2017.


Do you like these items?

Yes 11 vote(s) 84.6%
No 2 vote(s) 15.4%
Needs work 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. The First Item(s) are "a Piece Of A Rainbow"
    Each one of these has The same name but are different colors of wool each wool color would be
    Released in different ammounts Depending on the rarity of the corrisponding colored krysyy head
    512 of both Green and Purple, 256 Orange, 128 Yellow and 64 of both red and Dark blue
    And 1024 white

    The End Item is a Regular Krysyy head With a name colored to match the heads color
    There would be 512 of these

    All of these Items Would be craftable into.....

    The Empire Rainbow!
    A colorfly named "rainbowkrysyy" head

    All of these items could use lore i just couldnt think of a good wording for a lore

    At the time of Posting I have not sent this into the promo suggestion form but i do plan too

    For anyone curious about the item names with color codes
    "the empire rainbow"
    &4T&6h&ee &1E&5m&2p&4i&6r&ee &1R&5a&2i&4n&6b&eo&1w

    "a piece of a rainbow"
    &4A &6P&ei&1e&5c&2e &4O&6f &eA &1R&5a&2i&4n&6b&eo&1w

    "krysyy's head"
    &3Krysyy's head

    Credit to SeflYT for helping me brainstorm
    607, _Devuu__, NuclearBobomb and 6 others like this.
  2. I really love this!
  3. i think we 1st we need a 300k player item, and then give it to the 300k player ^.^

    607 likes this.
  4. what? im confused what you mean
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  5. soz, im just teasing ^.^
  6. ah ok. yeah this item isnt meant to be given to the 500,000th player, the krysyy head and wools are meant as event items

  7. Cause the 50 D.C.'s worth of stuff you were given when you logged In wasn't enough ?
    kaptrix, 607 and AyanamiKun like this.
  8. I would like it. :)
  9. Speaking of 500k members, we're probably going to hit that today! 499950 players so far. Really close to it. Too bad i'll most likely be at school by the time we hit 500k
  10. Have we gotten something for total amount of accounts registered in MC before? I don't recall so. Not that it matters much.
    But this is a suggestion. No items have been released yet for the occasion, so it isn't feedback. The title mislead me: "Wow, we hit 500,000 already??" and I was confused because there wasn't a post for the items on the front page.
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  11. Sorry to mislead you, i labled it feedback because it rule/guidence thread or what ever you want to call it says your welcome to make a post asking for feedback,

    As for the other thing at 400k we had a event, also this is a bit bigger as it is half a million
    607 likes this.
  12. Definitely a neat idea to have a craftable Rainbow Krysyy head. Even I hadn't thought of that yet...

    Now that being said, the Empire reaching 500k members is about much more than myself AND this was posted just yesterday, after the items are pretty much decided. Maybe I'll have Aikar look into this idea for something else though ;)
  13. Special release items have been confirmed! :D
  14. Ok Thanks For Responding :D

    Yeah sorry i know this was posted late

    Thank you to all the people who Gave feedback :D
    607, Gordan_the_Gourd and Tuqueque like this.