Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Oct 13, 2017.


Did you ever have a book that had friends answer similar (or simpler) questions?

Yes, multiple! 1 vote(s) 16.7%
I think so, once. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Hm, probably not. 5 vote(s) 83.3%
  1. Sydney's List:
    • Do you have any impressive builds in Minecraft that you are particularly proud of?
    Burgerknights and my Heli-Carrier on smp8 town spawn
    • Favorite Xbox/PlayStation game?
    Assassins Creed (all of them)
    • When did you first start playing Minecraft?
    Back in the beta
    • Where do you want to live?
    The United Kingdom
    • White meat or dark meat?
    • Drumstick or breast?
    • Favorite artist (music)?
    I have multiple: J Hus, Dave, Bugzy Malone, Ed Sheeran, Logic, JME,
    • Favorite artist (art)?
    I don't really look at art
    • PS Plus or Xbox Live?
    PS Plus
    • Is this one too many questions?
    • Do you have any impressive builds in Minecraft that you are particularly proud of?
    No, I do not.
    • Favorite Xbox/PlayStation game?
    I haven't played a lot of Xbox or Playstation. I do have a favourite Playstation game, though: Mickey's Wild Adventures. It's en enhancement of Mickey Mania for SNES, Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Sega CD, and it's quite an improvement. I played it in a museum once, and I enjoyed it very much!! :)
    • When did you first start playing Minecraft?
    When my eldest cousin, born a couple years before me, wanted to show it to me. In the car home I pretended I was playing Minecraft, in Paint on my Nokia. I wanted to install the game but didn't manage to get it to work at first. Within a week, I did. It was only much later I realised Minecraft was supposed to be a paid game. I had been playing it illegally, and that's why I couldn't manage to get it to work at first. :rolleyes: I started playing during Beta 1.8.1, and bought the game at 1.2.5.
    • Where do you want to live?
    Somewhere I've got too little room to constantly lose track of things, but enough room for games, gaming consoles, and computers.
    • White meat or dark meat?
    What? Isn't meat always dark?
    • Drumstick or breast?
    Breast, I suppose. It's easier to get it off the bone, and I don't like holding drumsticks in my hand, as my hands get filthy.
    • Favorite artist (music)?
    Artist? I assume the Belgian/Dutch girl group K3 doesn't count? :p If not, I wouldn't know. I've had a favourite artist, but I don't really, anymore.
    • Favorite artist (art)?
    Andrew Huang? Or do you mean visual art? Andrew Huang creates music and YouTube videos, which are art as well.
    • PS Plus or Xbox Live?
    Neither. I don't pay for things I can't keep, except necessary stuff like food.
    • Is this one too many questions?
    Not for me, as most were rather short.
  2. White meat or dark meat?
    What? Isn't meat always dark?

    Click me
  3. Ah, I see!! I've had that, actually, and it's nice.
    Hm... I'll skip on answering the question, I'm sorry. ;)
  4. 607's list
    • What's your favourite colour?
    Light Blue and Black compliment each other perfectly in my opinion
    • What's your favourite animal?
    Dogs because they're so loyal :)
    • What was the first video game you recall playing?
    If mobile games count, Angry birds. If not, either Wii sports or Super Smash Bros Brawl (one of my all time favourites especially for its story mode)
    • What was the first video game you owned?
    Super Mario Bros Wii.
    • How many different countries have you stayed in for a day or more?
    Off the top of my head: England France Germany Austria Switzerland and Spain, and soon the US. Also Ireland but I'm not sure that counts since I live here :p
    • What's your favourite type of cake?
    Chocolate obviously, why do you even ask this question? There's only one answer.
    • What's your preferred pc Operating System?
    I've had two PCs over the past 5 years that both run Linux and I don't really have experience with other systems. It's the system my Dad always used so I guess I don't have very much experience, but he acted as though Windows was a thing of evil :p
    • Do you play an instrument?
    No but I'd like to. I'm not sure what but I'd like to. Although, I used to play the Tin Whistle very well, but I can't anymore as I lost interest.
    • What languages can you speak?
    English and I can speak a small bit of Spanish and Irish if I put my mind to it.
    • What languages can you read/decipher?
    English and Spanish and Irish, although again I can't fully understand the last two but I'm much better at reading them than speaking them.

    My list:
    • Does pine apple belong on a pizza? There is only one answer and if you fail to answer it correctly my wrath shall rain upon you (I'm looking at you, Rhy, if you're reading this)
    • Do you like garlic bread?
    • What's your favourite kind of soft drink if you have any?
    • Do you think the rest of the questions will be to do with food?
    • How long should this list be?
    • Are the last two questions actually useful?
    • What's your favourite kind of music?
    • Who's your favourite music artisit?
    • What's your favourite animal and if applicable do you own one and whats it's name?
    • Who would win in a fight, a lion sized chicken or twenty chicken sized lions?
    • Do you game on any other console?
    • Whats your favourite game other than Minecraft?
    • Do we punish Chin for breaking things too harshly? Should we simply accept that it is part of his very nature to do so?
    • If you could meet anyone, who?
    • If you could have force powers from Star Wars or a lightsaber which would you have? (Assuming you are the only one who gets the opportunity to have these things so you can't just force pull the light saber of someone who chose one from their hand)
  5. Ah, Angry Birds! I played that too! My father played it when we were in the car, waiting for some horse event or something... this was a while ago, I think over 7 years. I played the games quite a bit later, too, until they started implementing micro-transactions everywhere and that destroyed the fun.

    I assume you mean New Super Mario Bros. Wii? ;)
    Um... you are actually the first person to give this answer...
    Nah, that's a bit of an exaggeration... OSX is, though. :rolleyes:

    With regard to your list: you asked several closed questions, and you even mentioned the first one being a closed one... the OP asks to not do that.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  6. I don't see anything other than who would you meet, so if you have a problem please PM me about what's wrong.
    EDIT: Really sorry I didn't read that correctly, thought you said close questions as in IRL questions, although to be honest I'm not sure how I made that mistake. I can remake my list if you want?
    607 likes this.
  7. Petes List
    • Does pine apple belong on a pizza? There is only one answer and if you fail to answer it correctly my wrath shall rain upon you (I'm looking at you, Rhy, if you're reading this)
    • Do you like garlic bread?
    • What's your favourite kind of soft drink if you have any?
    Mountain Dew
    • Do you think the rest of the questions will be to do with food?
    • How long should this list be?
    10 more questions
    • Are the last two questions actually useful?
    • What's your favourite kind of music?
    • Who's your favourite music artisit?
    It's been asked before
    • What's your favourite animal and if applicable do you own one and whats it's name?
    • Who would win in a fight, a lion sized chicken or twenty chicken sized lions?
    twenty chicken-sized lions
    • Do you game on any other console?
    Ps3, Ps4, Xbox 360, Wii, Ds's
    • Whats your favourite game other than Minecraft?
    Overwatch and the Assassins Creeds series
    • Do we punish Chin for breaking things too harshly? Should we simply accept that it is part of his very nature to do so?
    • If you could meet anyone, who?
    Some sort of celebrity
    • If you could have force powers from Star Wars or a lightsaber which would you have? (Assuming you are the only one who gets the opportunity to have these things so you can't just force pull the light saber of someone who chose one from their hand)
    Force, I would lose the lightsaber
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  8. Pete's list:

    • Does pine apple belong on a pizza? There is only one answer and if you fail to answer it correctly my wrath shall rain upon you (I'm looking at you, Rhy, if you're reading this) Yes
    • Do you like garlic bread? Yes
    • What's your favourite kind of soft drink if you have any? Sierra Mist
    • Do you think the rest of the questions will be to do with food? I hope so
    • How long should this list be? Longer
    • Are the last two questions actually useful? No
    • What's your favourite kind of music? Alt Rock
    • Who's your favourite music artisit? Hard question, but the Strumbellas.
    • What's your favourite animal and if applicable do you own one and whats it's name? Zebra.
    • Who would win in a fight, a lion sized chicken or twenty chicken sized lions? 20 chicken sized lions
    • Do you game on any other console? There are things other than Macs? lol, jk, I like the playstation4.
    • Whats your favourite game other than Minecraft? Bus Driver; steam game
    • Do we punish Chin for breaking things too harshly? Should we simply accept that it is part of his very nature to do so? Yes, then no
    • If you could meet anyone, who? Krysyy. What a surprise.
    • If you could have force powers from Star Wars or a lightsaber which would you have? (Assuming you are the only one who gets the opportunity to have these things so you can't just force pull the light saber of someone who chose one from their hand) What is star wars doe
  9. Yeah, I meant questions that can only be answered with 'yes' or 'no', or with '[option a]' or '[option b]'. :p I'll try to give interesting answers anyway. ;)

    • Does pine apple belong on a pizza? There is only one answer and if you fail to answer it correctly my wrath shall rain upon you (I'm looking at you, Rhy, if you're reading this)
    It doesn't necessarily have to be on it, but sure, it can go on it.
    • Do you like garlic bread?
    I wouldn't know what that is.
    • What's your favourite kind of soft drink if you have any?
    I don't drink soft drinks.
    • Do you think the rest of the questions will be to do with food?
    Definitely not, as I recall there being one about music, and two about gaming.
    • How long should this list be?
    A little shorter than it currently is. It should include more open questions, though, and less duplicates. :rolleyes:
    • Are the last two questions actually useful?
    In a way, they are.
    • What's your favourite kind of music?
    Video game music. I like a lot of different genres and consoles.
    • Who's your favourite music artisit?
    Has been asked before, and I still don't really know.
    • What's your favourite animal and if applicable do you own one and whats it's name?
    Has been asked before, and no, I don't own an ant. I guess I could catch one and keep it in a jar or something, but that seems unnecessarily cruel.
    • Who would win in a fight, a lion sized chicken or twenty chicken sized lions?
    Always the chicken.
    • Do you game on any other console?
    How do you mean, any other console? Do you just assume that I game on pc? :p Although I suppose, I sometimes do... I do speedruns on pc, at least. But I don't speedrun pc games, rather, I emulate games for other consoles on pc. :p
    I game on GBA SP, GBC, N64, Wii U and Wii.
    • Whats your favourite game other than Minecraft?
    Has been asked before. It's Yoshi's Island for Game Boy Advance.
    • Do we punish Chin for breaking things too harshly? Should we simply accept that it is part of his very nature to do so?
    I don't really care; I think this topic receives too much attention.
    • If you could meet anyone, who?
    Alice! I'd love to meet her. We've done voice chat while playing on the games server, once, and that was nice, but of course it would still be a whole lot different to be together in real life.
    • If you could have force powers from Star Wars or a lightsaber which would you have? (Assuming you are the only one who gets the opportunity to have these things so you can't just force pull the light saber of someone who chose one from their hand)
    PetezzaDawg likes this.