Which staff would like to sit in the staff chair on OCT 15 at 3069 during the DP?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ElephantsRoar, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. Which staff would like to sit in the staff chair on OCT 15 at 3069 during the DP?
    There is one requirement though, staff please PM me if you are interested.

    I can not tell the requirement to the public because it is a secret. :p
  2. Like I have said in a previous convo started with the SS. I don’t if I can attend due to the time placement of the event but if can might drop by. As for the secret part I won’t be doing it. Lastly it’s best to start a convo with staff to invite them than making a thread kinda forcing us to answer.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. So like PMing you all
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