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Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Manglex, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. WRONG.
    Nurse has been building her super-secret-dirt-thing on SMP2, and Justin is living on stage.
    Iceraider14 likes this.
  2. SMP1 because
    Hey look, cats.
    nab27 and SecretAznEks like this.
  3. Smp2 because I'm there
  4. Mystery you need to follow me back! :p
  5. I think we all need to go to smpNARNIA... The BEST EMC Server EVER! :D
  6. How about you STAY ON the AWESOME SMP8 and own 2 residences there instead? We love you there!
    Manglex likes this.
  7. Smp2, its where I plan to move if I start playing again.
    Manglex and ISMOOCH like this.
  8. i think... you should start playing again.
    Manglex likes this.
  9. utopia its great and its worth 2 reses in 1! lots of free reses very good wild and ill take u to my wild base
  10. Dont you mean 4?
  11. Smp6 needs an economy boost. Im sure you could help
  12. The mind reader strikes again!
  13. I actually reside on SMP2 now. Building my secret hide out. Even though my original res and creation is on SMP1 =]
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  14. Smp2 Cuz Its Awesome
  15. Uuuuuuutttttooooppppppiiiiiiaaaaaa
  16. I don't care about the rupees, but...
    Join SMP3, we're the BEST!
    If you enjoy Golf, Spleef, Archery, Mazes and WaterSlides, then I strongly recommend the WaterSlide at /fun!
    We are also the Homer Server of an awesome Moderator, D1223m :)
    We also have the HQ of the very well-known Guild Delta Team.
    So join SMP3 today! :D
    migueldemesa and Joshposh70 like this.
  17. D1223m Awesome? Did I miss a meeting?

    Notrlly. your awesome D1223M!
  18. Ah...
  19. Uhh Alex, how do I give you the rupees? :confused:
  20. Me so confuzled.