Promo Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _REMOVED_87055, Sep 5, 2017.


Do you remember me?

Yes 37 vote(s) 78.7%
No 10 vote(s) 21.3%
  1. Hey guys I decided that I'd love to give back to the community, I very much enjoyed my years on EMC and almost everyone on here is amazing and it was fantastic being part of such an integrated community. So I'm just gonna give you all my promos because I know that everyone loves a good ol' promo. And maybe I'm coming back...

    List of promos:

    fBuilderS head x1 (currently not in the chest, Hannah stole it :rolleyes:)
    Bonus Chest x1 (pretty sure it contains obsidian)
    Miner Mincer x2
    Potato Plate x1
    ESCD x2
    Candy Cane Sword x1
    Avalauncher x1
    Cupid bow x1
    Meteor bow x1
    Prancer x1
    Holiday Candle x1
    Marlix Helmet x1
    Empire Firework (2016) x1
    Labor Bench 2017 x1
    Starter Horse (White white dots, 92.10% speed, 62.57% jump, 25.00 HP) x1
    Empire Assistant x3
    5x Cooked Turkey
    7x Haunted Candy (rotten flesh)
    9x Shiny Flesh
    83x Soulbound Torches
    128x Cupid Arrows
    101x Shiny Arrows
    3x Notch Apples
    4x Golden Apples
    116x Diamonds
    240x Iron Blocks
    32x Iron Ingots (I feel sorry for whoever wins this prize lol)
    58x Pig Zombie Heads
    43x Gold Blocks
    69x Gold Ingots
    107x Emeralds
    64x Quartz Blocks
    210x Quartz Stairs
    35x Sea Lanterns
    1x Diamond Sword (Bane Of Arthropods IV, Knockback II, Fire Aspect I, Looting II)
    1x Diamond Shovel (Efficiency IV, Unbreaking II)
    1x Diamond Chestplate (Protection III)
    1x Diamond Pickaxe (Efficiency IV, Fortune II)
    4x DC's of Book and Quills (cuz why not?)
    Oh and to spice it up I'm adding a troll prize which will be a single chest of cactus

    Everything on here is unused

    Anyway to enter you must reply to this thread and just say something idrc what. Maybe it'd be cool if you posted a memory of something we did together if you know me
    Please don't use any alts, I won't be checking but it'd be nice if you gave everyone a chance of getting some cool items
    The giveaway closes in exactly one week and I will set up chests for everyone soon after

    If you would like to preview the items up for grabs then tp to /v 11463 on /smp5 and the chest directly in-front of you contains the items

    This list is subject to change but it will primarily stay the same

    1. Qkazooo (bless you)
    2. Low_Jacker
    3. The_ChildCub (Cub's are kids right??)
    4. Ay-Ayaird captain
    5. AmyLeePlayzRoblox
    6. Rollercoaster
    7. josythesamurai
    8. OldmanMatt
    9. TheGuyWhoMadeHugeFoxyPixelArt
    10. jewel_queen
    11. Rainbowcar
    12. If it hadn't been for mjnoe, I'd been married long time go
    13. Tsquid1128
    14. FalloutJacket55
    15. PikminPontoon
    16. Skeletina
    17. smelter31211
    18. TrumpTower
    19. KentuckyFriedPadde
    20. TomvanDijk
    21. PromoHoardingVortix
    22. bobthebenjr
    23. SaturatedEgg
    24. MrDCub
    25. SatanicMagi
    26. The_S4nd_Lord
    27. Jelly68
    28. crackinsquid
    29. PizzaDawg
    30. TheMroon
    31. codtaster
    32. suarezmenow15
    33. SkelePot007
    34. BitzDefend
    35. Raainn
    36. _Devuu__ (couldn't think of a one for you)
    37. Ironyx
    38. Ceilingfne
    39. Paperman142
    40. Thewowhater
    41. Marijn2552 (nor you)
    42. LonePlanetCorp
    43. cabbageboy14
    44. ClearMartian
    45. NuclearRereactor
    46. AdultBojangles
    47. cdm7051
    48. WalkingZebra
    49. SeflTheInkSquid
    50. GreenNicie
    51. UnluckyBlueSquid
    52. ShelLoser
    53. KikuAsh
    54. Kippy159
    55. Adazahi
    56. 608
    57. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

    In hindsight I should have titled this "fUll DC of PROMOs 4 FREE!!!!", clickbait ftw
  2. *whispers* Im mostly excited to win the head.....I love collecting heads....
    _Devuu__, High_Jacker and fBuilderS like this.
  3. That's alot of promos... thanks for doing the giveaway :)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  4. That's a lot of promo I wish I had ;)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  5. HI and uhm hi and thanks and pandas rock
    fBuilderS likes this.
  6. Heya FB, Hope yer doing well :p Thanks for the giveaway and I hope to see ya more online :)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  7. We broke the floor together
    fBuilderS likes this.

  8. The hole is still there
    TaraDaniela and Tuqueque like this.
  9. Ooooo thanks for the giveaway :)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  10. I think we went on a little wild expedition a few years ago, back when my account was "The_Creeper_Lord" I'm not sure though, let me know if it rings a bell! Thanks for this man. Really nice of you, shame you don't play as much however :(
    fBuilderS likes this.
  11. I do remember asking you about wool when I was doing pixel arts. I wish I got to know you a little bit better before you did leave
    fBuilderS likes this.
  12. Sorry your leaving i seem to remember going to your res once and you were selling a ton of sadles? i dont know lol thats just what i remember. good luck
    fBuilderS likes this.
  13. To be honest, I had no idea that you had become inactive. I remember seeing you around a lot, and I believe you had a shop? Anyways, I instantly recognised your name once I saw it and I'm glad to see an old face around, even if it's only for a short amount of time :3

    It's kind of you to give away all this stuff, good luck to everyone and thank you!
    Starzival and fBuilderS like this.
  14. Thanks for giving back to EMC. Always stinks to see someone leave for good but its very cool that you are donating those things to the current active players. I have only been on EMC for about 7 months so I can't say that I have had the pleasure of meeting you in game. Best of luck in your future gaming and irl ventures!
    fBuilderS likes this.
  15. I hate to see players leave but understand. Thanks for the give away and hope you go on to bigger and greater things.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  16. Ooo thanks for the giveaway... btw I want your head more than Q... :p I am very excited to win!!! :D
    SkeleTin007 and fBuilderS like this.
  17. Wait.... D: You never said you were leaving :( we'll all miss you
    SkeleTin007 and fBuilderS like this.
  18. oh trust me Fallout, I can promise you now. That statement isn't true xD
    _Devuu__ and fBuilderS like this.
  19. I wish we would have done some things together, but I am only on EMC maybe 8 months now on SMP3?

    All I can say is that I explore the farthest wilds and frontier and try to support EMC monetarily every month, because like you, I just cannot show enough appreciation that staff puts in to keeping these servers fun, engaging, and working properly!
    _Devuu__ and fBuilderS like this.
  20. I remember an eggnog ... Why isn't that on the giveaway list? :D
    fBuilderS likes this.