Tonight's crazy Miner Mania w/ Aikar

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. We had a great event tonight, and anyone who stayed to the end.... Well things got nuked.

    I looked at the live map and noticed something....

    Those lines coming out are the blast damage of the TNT I was setting off.... it went that far out.
  2. Good lord.. :eek:
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  3. Mhm... and they say chin likes to break things mhm?
  4. That was a fun time :D
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  5. I really wanted to go but had my kids and was distracted a lot. Very sad I missed out but if I was there I'd prob be afk more than having fun. It was awesome to come back and read up the chat. Sounds like it was a...... Do i dare say it..... A BLAST!!! ;):cool:
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  6. so can I safely say Aikar has turned pyromaniac now?
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  7. only 1 survivor eh? did they win any prices? ^.^
  8. With great power, comes great explosions.
    PatchesMasterBlk and WuerdGirl like this.
  9. Makes me wish I stayed till the end.
    (Not because I like getting blown up)
  10. You could safely say he's been a pyromaniac for years. If you think this was bad, just imagine how the crazy death events are when he has ultimate control and everyone there expects to die
    Merek_Shadower likes this.
  12. Well Aikar, looks like this angel isn't the only one who likes to have a blast huh? :D