Selling off some Promos

Discussion in 'Selling' started by bitemenow15, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. pretty much going to go by the promo prices page unless the item isnt there:
    3 meteor bows
    2 mineral mincers
    lucky bow
    2 scooba masks
    potato plate
    2 bionic pants
    bubble boots
    shear madness
    marlix's armor
    marlix's leggings
    5 feast for a king
    2 ICC skin
    2 ICC flesh
    4 turkey slicers (not 2013)
    4 cupids bow (umb 3)
    2 blizz ard's eye
    blizz ard's nose
    blizz ard's arm

    feel free to bump my thread but pls pm me if interested in a specific one
    Items will be sent through mail unless otherwise arranged, buyers are expected to cover mailing costs
  2. I'll take a Super Dragon Poop, 1 Enraged Guardian Egg and 1 Enraged Zombie Egg
  3. total for that is going to be 95k
  4. Actually I'll take both Enraged Guardian Eggs. Will send payment now.
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  5. done, items removed from list
  6. How much for the dragon poop?
  7. 60050
  8. 1 each of the ICC Skin and Flesh please. Will take another look through the list later when I have some time. 5k each, yes?
  9. correct
  10. I'll buy your last Dragon Poop
  11. Price is a few posts earlier
    deathconn likes this.
  12. Payment sent :)
  13. also sent :D
    deathconn likes this.
  14. I'll buy one of the ICC flesh and one of the ICC skin. I'll pay 10,100 right now assuming they are still 5k each (also included mailing fees). If they have increased in price just quote my post and tell me how much I still need to pay.

    **Edit: payment will be made from my alt BTBEnterprises
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  15. 1 skin
    1 flesh
    Total 10,100
    Will pay soon hold for me pls
  16. sent to the account that posted
    mkay :D
  17. 90k for both Mineral Mincers?
  18. Marlix boots for 20k, I'll pay now