[Giveaway] 3 Years on EMC

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrSocks75, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. On the 16th of September* I will be giving (just about) all of my stuff away. This will include promos as well as just a lot of iron, gold, diamonds and the such. I will also be giving away 1 more of my heads (making just 2 in the economy). I have no clue how I will do it (drop party most likely) so looking for ideas.

    Why giving it all away? Well, it is a worthy achievement being around for 3 years but the reality is that I have only been active in the background. I have tried to just play the game and it is just not stimulating enough anymore. I will continue on the Dev team creating those features you love but had no clue I created ;) as well as continuing to help moderate in-game and on the forums.

    More info to come as we get closer to the date.

    Mark your calendars.

    * I am planning to have this event on the 16th but if real life gets in the way it will be moved 1 or 2 days either side of the 16th.
  2. Giveaway / Contest Winners:

    Next Contest is coming soon!

    Contest Winners:
    Pick a number between 1 and 50. Grand prize is 100K; Everyone gets 'something'
    Winner: JDHallows - 100K
    Everyone else will receive 1K for playing!

    Post your favorite (family friendly) meme (100K prize)
    Winner: Sachrock - 100K

    Post pic of your favorite socks (4 entries : 25% chance of winning main prize)
    Winner: Qkazooo - 100K
    Runner up(s): kaptrix, luckygreenbird, ThaKloned - 10K each
  3. Congrats on 3 years! You were my very first staff interaction when I accidentally wandered into someone's base back when I started :D
  4. Oh socks! I remember your pre-staff days :p whenever I was on 3 it seems like your were on as well ^-^
    3 years go by fast When your having fun I suppose :D

    Congratz on 3 years Socks!
  5. Congrats on your upcoming 3 years : ) I didn't realize you joined only a month before me.
  6. Hmmm, isn't that meant to be a bannable offense? I guess I messed up. ;)

    Actaully. I was always on. One of the reasons they made me staff. I didn't sleep back then.

    ChespinLover77 and ThaKloned like this.
  7. Grats mah friend! :)
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  8. Congrats on 3 years!
  9. Congratulations on your 3rd year... and many thnks for all your labors.
  10. Congrats on 3 years!
  11. I am gathering all my things for my big 3 year birthday giveaway and realized I have a lot of stuff. Can't wait to toss it away at your feet in a few weeks!

    In the mean time: Post a pic of you wearing your favorite socks below. Everyone that does will be entered into a drawing to win 100k rupees. Deadline to post is 23:59:59 EMC time on 31 July.
    kaptrix and AncientTower like this.
  12. Congrats on nearly three years...
  13. My snowflake/snowman socks. They're super comfy.

    deathconn and ThaKloned like this.
  14. May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun.
    And find your shoulder to light on.
    To bring you luck, happiness and riches.
    Today, tomorrow and beyond.
    And maybe a wee bit of the Jamesons too of course.
  15. Maybe a Drop Party @bitemenow15 had a good design for when i had mine

    Or you can always do what they did for the last year EMC's B day, where you have chests on top of cupcakes, and have random stuff, people stand on top and you give them perms. No one knows whats inside

    Another way would to have a Mystery Chest Giveaway. Chests with numbers. Each chest as items, and you do a draw of everyone who enters, and give it away that way.

    A fun way is to have a bunch of different types of games, Parkour, Maze, Racing, Scavenger hunt, etc, and each one would win a chest with random stuff?

    Maybe some of those idea's?
  16. Congratz on 3 years, something I hope to be able to say in 2.5 years or so. Glad to hear you will be staying on to do development. I think the loss of a past player who also loves this server is a huge benefit. Even though you are moving on a bit from a normal player role, there is always that chance you may once again return. Having the things you have gained through the years may be more of a burden than a blessing for you. Who knows, maybe with Empires we'll have SocksVille 757,575 by -575,757!?! Change and time can sometimes bring back some old feelings of excitement and fun that are lost with the same ol same ol every day. Sorry for the long winded response, but that's just me.
  17. congratz on the 3 years :)
    totally gonna edit a picture of my socks in later on :)