It's about to be my 1600th day on EMC, so a giveaway seems appropriate =D How to enter: Pick a number between 1-70 and... I dunno, be creative =D Prize: 20,000r, 18 Totems of Undying cos I have too many of these things, 20 Notch Apples, 5 Vault Vouchers, a stack of Dragon Stone Fragments, 3 Avalaunchers, 1 Lucky Rabbit's Foot, 1 unused Spooky Egg, and one of each unused Blizz Ard pieces. How you will win: I will use to pick a random number between 1-70, if no one has the chosen number I will re-roll till someone does =D End date: June 30th. Good luck, have fun!
1.EnderMagic1 2. 3. 4.jesseqw 5. 6.KikuDusk 7.Teenny 8.thistle_bristled 9.Raaynn 10.GeneralWillikers 11. 12. 13.SageCREEPER 14. 15.NuclearBoBomb 16. 17.AmyLeePlayz 18.Sachrock 19.TuckerAmbr 20. 21.Ch33zus 22.Mythical_Man 23.K_Kick 24.The_D1rt_Lord 25.Raging_Hedgehogs 26.DufGoesBnoof 27.FalloutHood55 28.luckycordel 29.UltiPig 30. 31. 32.Tuqueque 33. 34. 35.takenID 36. 37.Cardman142 38.budderdude55 39. 40. 41. 42.BenMA 43. 44.Kippy159 45.Allicanto 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.Ricky14 51. 52. 53.sonicx82903 54. 55. 56.X_Glitch_X 57. 58. 59.benthebobjr 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.crazy_X_gamer 67. 68. 69.Wolfne 70.