We need some help

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Allicanto, May 27, 2017.


is it a fair price?

no, he needs to pay more 7 vote(s) 29.2%
yes, it's a fair price 9 vote(s) 37.5%
no, i should get less 8 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. The Problem
    So i'm building a 4 res build for mrawsumsawse
    it has only 2 floors and the materials will be suplied
    now i started building in single player for him but we noticed
    that we aren't really sure about how much i should be payed

    here is what i already build (4 resses, 2 floors)

    he thinks a fair price would be:
    85k, 2 iron supporter vouchers, chocolat bunny, beacon, 14 shulker shells

    The Question
    is this worth it?
    in my opinion it should be more since a lot of hours are spend on it
    but if you guys agree with mrawsumsawse price
    i'll even do it for less :)
  2. I think it's a fair price. Not because I am siding with him but because if u add it up it's around 200k which u want
  3. I think you should get a tad more. It seems like a lot of work for one person!
  4. me and a few friends are helping with some stuff as well
  5. to be clear, some people might be helping on building it on emc
    not designing it, which is more work
  6. how many hours did you work, and multiply that by 9.5k, preety sure you can see in the statistics of the single player map
  7. In that case I believe it is reasonable!
  8. well i stayed a lot afk, doesnt that also count on there?
  9. that is a lot of product he is offering you, and you should get more jobs off it if you advertise your work. It looks like you have done this before and you are good at it, but don't price yourself out of a job.I'd do it for the offered amount or less if I were you..... Just a thought. good luck, and have fun with it.
  10. ya i know, and i wouldn't ask a lot more because i like to do it
    but it needs to be worth the time you put into it tho
  11. well we lost... now I gotta get more rupees and stuff yeah this shop has already cost me everything yay
  12. haha yaaaaas victory :D
    but no, for now lets keep what you got there as payment and we will see how the build will go
    and how many hours will go into it
    but for now i'll be happy with what you are giving :)

    more opinions are always welcome :D
    mrawsumsawse just wanted to end it after 15 votes
  13. thanks I'm selling everything I own at the moment to pay you and natsu
  14. I thought it a fair price... added up I get closer to 300k tho...
    Perez2428 likes this.
  15. Well, the price of a build really depents on the time you do it in aswell, some people want something to be done is like a week, if you've got a close deadline you might want to ask a little more...

    Also, one usefull tip to the person who did the desigin I saw above, costumize yout superflat world to have 1 bedrock 62 dirt and 1 grass, it'll be quite more usefull in case you want to build something underground / just use a little depth (I started doing that when I ran out of space without even letting the floor drop, it just was such much glass and depth underneath...)
    (since I saw bedrock at the picture below, I assue that it was the spawned)
  16. Odd... i would have thought price to be set by the number of blocks used as opposed to time spent. Like, Finch_rocks can build about 10× faster than I can... so seems more logical and easier for both sides to evaluate up front.

    Designing may be more complicated tho... although a by block price could still work...
  17. I think that's a bit much to get for that build.
  18. ya i know you can change the presets but i didn't think about it till i did to much :)
    it's not that big of a problem in this build because the only thing underground will be some roads

    well if you would pay by block on a design the problem would be that some people use world edit
    like in this build, this structures has a big roof and to start with the roof i just spawned in a big square of the material i wanted. now this is done in under a minute. but if you would count the blocks it would be, well a lot :p

    i do find it difficult to price the work on a build
    but i think the price should depend like jelle said on the time you spend on it
    tho this is hard to know before you start on the build

    EDIT: also how quick you do it after you get the assignment should play a role in the price