The Eyeball Thread.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Keliris, Oct 18, 2015.


What is the best eye color?

Blue 69 vote(s) 42.6%
Brown 32 vote(s) 19.8%
Hazel 19 vote(s) 11.7%
Green 29 vote(s) 17.9%
Other 13 vote(s) 8.0%
  1. Just re-showing my left eyeball once again.

  2. bumpo
    this post needs upbringing again I think.
  3. I have been told to post my eye picture to this thread...

    *struggling to get the link to work* (I couldn't get the link to work, but if someone could fix it, that would be fantastic)

    This was before I cropped it to fit my avatar. I edited it using Google + Snapseed, which I use to edit lots of other pictures too.

    Staff Edit: Added

    Fluffe Edit: Thank you Staff.
    Keliris and 607 like this.
  4. I guess Staff got it, but thanks. I was struggling lol.
    607 and Sachrock like this.
  5. FYI to all. And you. On Imgur there is usually a link for BBCode. You can directly paste that into your comment.
    Alternatively you must obtain a direct image address for the picture. Either the site will tell you what that link is, or usually right clicking on the image will show that as an option: "copy image address"
  6. What other eye colors are you guys thinking when you put other? Am curious and would love to learn. Bump.
    607 likes this.
  7. Grey eyes are a thing (truthfully I feel that a lot of people who take pride in having blue eyes really have ones that look like grey to me...), and, of course, albinism can result in lovely violet eyes. :) Amber eyes are also very cool, though I haven't seen any personally.
    607, Keliris and Dufne like this.
  8. I think gray and blue are usually lumped together, mine can be either depending on lighting. Never thought of violet eyes ☺
    607 likes this.
  9. Best thread on emc needs a bump.
  10. thanks for the nightmares you guys

    quality lowered for your enjoyment
    _Bunni__ and Keliris like this.
  11. Bump.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  12. Because of Sach, might as well bump.
    Sachrock likes this.
  13. Because of Sach?
  14. Keliris and 607 like this.
  15. Whoever posts the next picture of their eye gets the entirety of my rupees at this moment in time.
    607 likes this.
  16. 607, Keliris and Tuqueque like this.
  17. inb4 100r