Your Favorite Memory from EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Apr 29, 2017.


Have you made lots of great memories on EMC?

Yes! 17 vote(s) 94.4%
No... 1 vote(s) 5.6%
  1. EMC is a wonderful place and lots of great things can happen here. So today, I've come to ask you what your favorite memory from EMC. By this I mean, what to you was the most important thing you remember doing or happened to you on EMC.

    So to start things off, I'm going to share me important memory on EMC, and it has to do with the following image that I took a while back.

    The reason why this event is important is because it's the last time I said no. Even before I was a furry I got the question because of my skin and to be honest I never understood why I made what I have as my skin and I still don't. But what happened then made me think and I decided I'd just start saying yes, because it was true and I needed to stop lying to myself. In a way I need to thank Runder for that.

    Anyways, what is your favorite/important memory on EMC? Why is it so important to you?
  2. My favorite: The grand opening party of my TARDIS shop on 3553 a LONG time ago.

    Moose and I had worked a lot together on the Blue Ribbon Hotel and while that opening also holds a special place in my heart, it's just not the same as the TARDIS Shop because that was MY baby, from design of the floor layout to fitting all the pixel art, to my lesson in naivety and losing almost a stack of diamond blocks due to blind trust. I still have the countless pages of graph paper where I was planning out how tall each floor should be, what theme to make the parts of the room, etc in a notebook from school (I was in college at the time). I just can't bring myself to toss them because they are EMC historical documents now :)

    Other Honorable Mentions:
    • Chin breaking smp8
    • Banning IcecreamCow because I failed at using Square
    • EMC Games
    • My head museum contest
    • our 2 year party/ Iron Maiden
    • All of the EMC birthday parties
    • Building the Halloween Town Mansion
    • Plumpy the Pumpkin
    • The Sheep Farm
    • Docotr Who 50th anniversary party
    • and many more....
  3. Parkour events back on smp8 1700 days ago

    Fighting mobs in a massive dark room on smp6 1400 days ago

    Exploring my first woodland mansion after a two year break and being unbelievable confused since I thought someone built it

    E: I probably have 1000 more but I just woke up so give me some slack
    SirTah likes this.
  4. Which time?
  5. Ive made great memories everywhere on smp2. The people most escpecailly. Plus fighting mobs in the waste with my friends, all of emc I love. I thank you staff for emc itself. :) Sincerely, Stnywitness
    SirTah likes this.
  6. There was this one time Qkazooo woke Lucky and I up at 4 in the morning so that he could go officiate a wedding.
    _Devil__, ShelLuser, SirTah and 2 others like this.
  7. How romantic.
    SirTah likes this.
  8. All of em ;)

    As for my favorite memory, I would say the first time I went to FNM, which was also the first time I went to any event.
    SirTah likes this.
  9. Difficult question because there have been so many awesome moments for me on the Empire. But that's what makes this question such a good one!

    For me my absolutely best moments have been me winning community appreciation awards. Both staff organized as well as those organized by the community themselves. That has always been a very special moment for me... that overwhelming feeling that the things you've done on the Empire were really appreciated by so many other players.

    Heck, I'm diamond at the time of writing and I fully got the community to thank for that one.

    But.... Very important detail: it's never been about the prizes for me, even though I seriously appreciate those of course. When looking at my current diamond status it's really helping me out right now. Yet that solid confirmation, that stamp of approval from the community, I've always considered that totally awesome and very special.
    SirTah likes this.
  10. These are defintly some good stories everyone has so far!
    SirTah likes this.
  11. Well... been great meeting members like you shadow.. and so many others... but still comes down to the most special times for me being simple survival mode with my daughter.
    SirTah and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  12. my best memory is when i got accepted as official helper 4 SMP8 PWU. i really love that place and when khixan send me pm that i was accepted 2 help them out, that totally ruled. im not that often on smp8, but when im needed u can count on me ^.^
    SirTah likes this.
  13. I think EMC has really brought lots of families together to play games. We just have such a good community for that.
    SirTah likes this.
  14. My favorite memories all come from around the time i joined.

    1.) of course I couldn't give you my favorite memories if joining emc wasn't one of them :D

    2.) Was also making some great friends (all of which are mostly not on emc anymore, except for my best friend TheBlueBagon, known as PikminLegion these days hehe :D)

    3.) Back when I had my very first res, I also had fun on my res. Even as a young lil Chessie on the empire I wasted no time Starting a business, the buissness which I also hired people to help me (these people turned out to be my first bunch of friends I made)

    4.) One of the first events I attended (other than mob arena :p in the old arena ) was FNM (now known as miner mania) this was around thanksgiving I think on my first year here, and I got all diamond gear and made my way to the location it was.
    I ended up dying (a lot due to lava I didn't grasp the concept of not to dig down at the time lol) but overall I had fun because of all the people there socializing :D

    5.) Was meeting my Skeletin Brother :p
    How we met is a little hazy but I didn't really make many other friends after my main group back then, stuck to smp3 mostly except for events :p
    And eventually we started hanging out, and that's also how I met TBird1128, KikuDusk, FoxyRavenger, AmyLeePlayz, Kiwa, and Joohny boi and the smp7 squad :)
    Who are some of my best buddies

    Those of some of my favorite memories hehe

    Edit : oh also after 1.9 I think it was, was released Me, Joohny boi, BearJedi, and Gage I think all went to the End to fight dragons and hunt for end ships :)
    SirTah likes this.
  15. My favourite memory's got to be nether fortress raiding with TheMrImpossible. We decimated the nether on at least half the SMPS, travelling from one end to the other of the nether. The horse armour was also nice :rolleyes:

    Also, what's a furry? I'm not clued in to these things.
  16. Anthropomorphic animals. For those who don't know that word it means non-human things with human characteristics. The furry Fandom is a group of people who like the idea, there is a thread about it in the controversial section I can link if you'd like.