How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. I have seen you in game and online 6/10
  2. 5/10 I've seen u on the forums and online. U won my auction, and don't forget you murdered EvilToade
    Sachrock likes this.
  3. 7/10 i remember you when about the auction lol ;) <3
    TrapThem likes this.
  4. 10/10 One of the first people I remember
    (Also that guy that likes every post on the forums)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. 4/10 seen u around, and seen u on the forums
  6. 3/10 I see you sometimes on the forums. You are steadily becoming more active...
  7. I have seen you on the forums but not a lot in game
  8. I see you all the time on the forums, and sometimes I'll see you in game!

    7.5/10 :)
    Sachrock likes this.
  9. I'm becoming more active yet again :p I have seen you on the forums in my lurking lol 3/10
  10. 3/10 your name seems strangely familiar but i dont remember you
  11. 7/10 I have seen you many times
  12. I have talked to you before and have seen you on the forums, but not really in game. You also made my avatar :p
  13. 8/10

    See you pretty much everywhere :p
    Sachrock likes this.
  14. Finally someone that would be interesting to react to in this game again!
    I've known about you since I joined here, I feel like you've always been active. I remember you arguing about various subjects, and usually I disagreed with you. Some time last year, I got to know about 'you-know-who', and we started talking in private, sharing some of our experiences.
    At some point you were my go-to person for venting thoughts and feelings regarding Lanata.
    I still think our personalities differ vastly, and perhaps we wouldn't go together too well in real life, but I do quite care about you.
    9.6/10. (I spend a bit of time considering that number, and it kept getting higher the more I considered :rolleyes:)
    synth_apparition and Sachrock like this.
  15. 10/10
    You're probably one of the most familiar people to me on the forums
  16. I have seen you on the forums quite a bit, but I have not really seen you in game
  17. I love how this is the thing most people who I've had more friendly interactions with than most here remember me through this :p

    For example, I have private messages with nfell2009 from 2012 where I would argue with him - usually accompanied by 1-2 other people. Now we're on eachother's side in every argument we start with people here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    This part makes me quite... proud? I dunno.

    While we're here, I apologise for not responding as quickly or with as lengthy replies, or going with no response at all, to your messages. I've been busy with exams (not going well at all lol), school, friends ('you-know-who' especially), family, among so many other things that it's getting quite ridiculous.
    607 likes this.
  18. I have seen you everywhere on the forums, we are the same age and have birthdays in May :p
  19. Hmmm, this egg seems familiar.

    I give you a 9. Maybe less because I am going to have eggs for breakfast today.
    NuclearBobomb and Sachrock like this.
  20. Seen u on the forums, never in game
