Should I make an alt account?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MEINCRAVTA, May 28, 2012.


Should I make an Alt?

Do it! Be able to argue without SOMGAI raging on you! Plus more cash and res's! 11 vote(s) 57.9%
NO. Let somgai rage on you after every post and get less money and res's 8 vote(s) 42.1%
  1. I should get an alt called SubtleGreyAtheist. I have to agree with my semi-passive nemesis here. Getting an alt for the reasons of avoiding hostility is pointless. Getting one of your own personal gain is the only real reason.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
    Haha, just kidding :p
    I'll let you have that one.
  3. I WILL get it first!
    Ow wait, i'm poor. :(
  4. 1) If you don't alert a mod of a second account you can get banned (Ip Logs)
    2) If you get banned on one account you get banned on both
  5. @#1 Wait what? Seriously?
  6. TBH.. Do we really care if you get a second account? If you need one - buy one. If you don't - don't buy one.
    Equinox_Boss and SecretAznEks like this.
  7. I just realized how flawed the logic of this poll is, lol.
    Get an alt and Be able to argue without SOMGAI raging on you!
    Don't do it and Let somgai rage on you after every post!

    You're being a little unpleasant, it doesn't matter what account you do it on, you still sounded a little loud and rude.
    Equinox_Boss and Joshposh70 like this.
  8. I don't have two computers, so thats not why.
    I don't drink, Im younger than 18, and i have like no money. I have >100 dollars, <50 dollars, and want a one time payment so i don't have to keep paying every month.

  9. 'nuff said.
    IamSaj, SecretAznEks and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. I understand, there was some confusion when I joined on whether i could be online while being under 18. I cleared it up, I have parental consent. Chill.
  11. Now we know its you...
  12. No need to ask me to "chill" i just posted 1 pic, no words.
    Also, it seems like your the kind of guy who registers without checking the terms huh?
    SillyWhiteMage likes this.
  13. if it was cleared up, then why isnt your age changed? And if somgai always rages after all of your posts, you have no reason to get another account. Because no one has posted after every single individual post!
  14. FREEEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!! :O YEAH! DOWN WITH COMMUNIST!!! ummmm what i meant was you do what you wanna do son just do it well ;)
    MEINCRAVTA likes this.
  15. It can't change, i tried.
  16. You can dance if you want to, you can leave your friends behind, if you don't dance, well if you don't dance, well then you are no friend of mine... :3
  17. i don't dance but i wanna be you'r fwend :(
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  18. Just to provide some clarification from a staff point of view, you are more then welcome to use a second/alternate account on EMC, many of us do. You don't need to inform staff about it, and you just need to be aware that any rule breaking on one account may/ may not have an impact on other owned accounts.

    If you private convo message IcecreamCow he may be able to change your age, be patient though, he is a busy man. :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. i have tried turning it off and on again but nothing....:/
    jkjkjk182 likes this.