[Looking] For Gold Farm Builder

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by Eviltoade, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. Gold Farm Builder Needed!

    Hey all, I am currently looking for an elite Gold Farm designer / builder! If you have extensive experience in this area, or if you have any useful information such as a youtube link (or schematic) on a highly efficient Overworld gold farm that would work on EMC, please reply below. All materials will be provided plus a nice stipend.

    Note: We typically build farms ridiculously large and efficient, and I would expect the same results here.

    List of build requirements:
    • Portal build
    • Collection area and sorter are optional - however, collection area must be located at ground (in this case water) level.
    *All aesthetics (the shell) will be completed by myself*

    Also Note: this build will be part of the Infinity Outpost Public Utilities located on smp1 which is quite close to a spawn, so very little travel is required.

    Thank you all in advance for your help and consideration! -ET
    AhsokaTower and ThaKloned like this.
  2. Eviltoade likes this.
  3. We have a saying. If you think you are done, add one more layer!
    TomvanWijnen and Eviltoade like this.
  4. Also is this the same area as the iron farms? Just curious as I remember there being portals there that might interfere with this.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  5. I do know how to build a good gold farm,
    I just need to add to mine that I already have :)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  6. It is in the same area, however, it is further out so there shouldn't be other conflicting portals.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. if it is too close to spawn theres likely a number of portals it will link to the range on the links sometimes are pretty ridiculous
  8. Just curious, why would it be an issue if it linked with errant portals?
  9. Like if it's a portal that people use to come back from the nether, it could drop them into the farm. Basically any portal within 1024 blocks could have this issue of linking incorrectly.
  10. plus the spawn rates for that particular portal would be low since it would be hardcoded as normal sized.

    not only that if its an in use portal people might have the chunk loaded near it which is going to drastically affect your rates.
    Dektirok likes this.
  11. that may be at first but most of thes portals near the spawns arent with in the 8 blocks so to fix it so they dont link all you would have to do is make sure the cords are spot on. another way to fix it is by building a bigger portal then the one thats there.
  12. good info! ty!

    Will keep this in mind as we start the build. Portal Gold farms are like the ONLY farm I know very little about, so building this public one is kind of daunting for us. :(
    crazyminerpete and ThaKloned like this.
  13. I'm not a fan of building the farm but I can build the storter and storage. Just was working on a 140 unit item sorter on my res but scratched it because of lack of motivation. As long as you can list out all possible items that can be dropped I can get all stackable ones sorted.
  14. I can give a scheme of mine (without the built in computer)
    Eviltoade likes this.
  15. If you would send that my way it would be appreciated. Also bump for anyone else willing to contribute in any way :)
  16. Do you still want it knowing that it requires 3 accounts?

    If so send me a pm.
  17. this farm might be a little too ridiculous to build, but might be something to consider.
  18. Hmm, well I do have 3 accounts but I'm not sure I could have all of them on at the same time that often, and 1 of them is this staff account, so I would need to leave the farm often. Thank though Finch <3
  19. I built one about a year and a half ago, and it doubles as an xp farm. But needs 2 accounts for xp, and works best with 3 running. It's just standard max size portals stacked 3 tall, and as wide as pigs will spawn. They fall and die and drop gold, but if you aggro then, they drop xp also. Not complicated but for xp 2 accounts are needed
    Eviltoade likes this.
  20. Ah yes, I remember seeing this one. 2 accounts is more manageable for sure. Might have to come take a look again and maybe grab a schematic of it ;)