[Auction] Dc of Exp Bottle's

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MyGlazedDonuts, Feb 5, 2017.

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  1. didn't I win this auction?
  2. 42 hours after last valid bid. not 48 hours. I believe that Raging_Hedgehog won this auction.
  3. Like always, pay first. I'm assuming that RogueRevan is you're alt?
  4. RogueRevan is no one's alt. I am me.
  5. Also I thought I won? I was the last one with a bid of 60k.
  6. Yes you did, I think he got confused and never went to page 3 :p
  7. You have access at 222 :p
  8. I am sure I won this auction
  9. I'll refrain from picking up the chest until a resolution is reached.
  10. TomvanWijnen likes this.
  11. Has a solution been reached?

    If so, this auction can be closed and moved as normal. :)
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