[Suggestion] New Player Res Alter

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Hey EMC,

    This is something that I think that should be added to a players res once they join or get a res after it being wiped say 3-4 months or more ago...

    I see a lot of players having issues finding items to build with or shops.... so this is a suggestion to add portals like so;

    (Ignore the quarts and Gold Pressure Plates, all i had on me lol)

    One would be used to find shops so for example, a link to /shop with a message to use /shop to find others or /home to get back, and then the other would link to the /waste, with a message to use /nwaste to get to the nether waste.

    That would be set there, with signs, and they can choose to remove or keep, but will help direct them in the right way for getting items...

    This is also good for when they want stuff and either no one is online, or everyone is afk or something else...

    Let me know what you think,

    Equinox_Boss and FadedMartian like this.
  2. I think it will help those players that go right through the tutorial then realize they like the server and want to stay
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Isn't this already a thing? I see this a lot on reses already.
  4. There is only information on signs, This will allow there to be TP's that they can leave up to take down to get around. There is a ton of commands they have to remember and not many want to read so these portals should help them get around,
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. I like the stuff prebuilt on residence plots to be kept at a minimum. The signs are fine, but I think blocks and tp's would be too much for my liking.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. The issue is no one wants to read, I see it almost every time after someone joins, they dont read the signs but instead ask in chat...

    Its a fact that in real life not many people read....
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Then perhaps an automated response needs to be added in chat. For crtain question not everything that needs to be known. Questions like, Where do I mine? The automated system response would be respond with well (playername) Mining takes place in /waste from there you can see many portals that take you to many locations in the /waste to mine.

    Edit: whats cool about this is it would work in the /waste and /wild. So new people who get on and go straight there don't get frustrated and leave when no one responds to them.
    607, Equinox_Boss and finch_rocks_1 like this.