Please give a warm congratulations to Eviltoade and JDHallow, your newest Empire Events Organizers. They have the fancy title on the forums and everything so you can't forget. =) For a while now Dramanya has been the Events Organizer, all by her lonesome. She's done a fantastic job keeping everyone organized when it comes to who hosts what, and filling in gaps in the schedule. However, upon adding Dramanya, it was originally our intention to create an entire team of staff that are specifically geared towards helping the Community Manager with brainstorming, planning out, and hosting even MORE events/contests for the server. Please note that they continue to be Moderators officially and will handle their Event tasks in addition to their Moderator tasks.
Awesome news, thanks a bunch for this decision Krysyy (I assume you had the last say here) and welcome to your new nightmares guys! I can actually be (somewhat) short about events.. I attend very sporadically, but that has more to do with me being busy doing other things than the event itself. When I do attend I normally always have a very good time. I especially remember the crazyness which went on during a FNM and SF event once (ooh, if you call Something Fishy SF it suddenly gets a whole new feel to it ). So yeah, I think this is wonderful news. Especially because both players have shown some pretty good organizing skills in the past with their own private thingies. So it's only fair to try and persuade them to use those skills officially as well. Congratulations guys! I'm looking forward to more cool stuff happening!
Thanks all, and thank you Krysyy for the warm welcome. If anyone ever needs anything or has comments or suggestions, my inbox is always open.
I'm incredibly proud of the both of you, but that title really threw me off... Can't wait to see all the wonderful events you two'll host. Toade's non-official events have certainly been a blast. It'll be interesting to see how the official ones go