art commissions

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Bosoc, Jan 14, 2017.


do you want me to make art auctions or building Auctions??

building 3 vote(s) 21.4%
art work 11 vote(s) 78.6%
  1. so alot of people have seen my art around, mostly used as icons.
    i have also taken requests in the past for people wanting them, but since am kinda in the poor state right now where it's hard to even afford emc tacobell, i obviously need some money XDD

    so here's what am doing, i will either draw your mc skin, in a full picture or an icon, like this:

    full pictures like the detailed one cost 10k,
    icons are 1k

    but if you just want a simple full body piece like these:

    they will cost a simple 800 rupees,
    i will also take any extra items that are not listed here, such as most detail drawings or book covers:

    please comment below for and offer, you may choose more than one thing at a time if you wish, depending on what your getting, it using take a day or a few to finish. please excuse me if i'm slow tho, i tend to be busy and don't realize it, but i will notify you if i will be late on it.

    please pay before i start, if you don't i will notify you, but i wont start it at all until it is fully paid.

    more exsamples of my art:
  2. Hmm, I've thought about asking before, but you always had a lot on your plate. :p

    May I have one of the (simple) full body things? Went ahead and paid :)
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. hello sweet child
    ya ik XDD am always so busy, am sorry.

    and of course :'D i can simple use a site to find your skin, and since you've already paid i can get started XD
    ill get it done today or tomorrow, thanks UwU
    607, Equinox_Boss and Dufne like this.
  4. I must say you're one of the few artists who I actually like the style of and truly enjoy the art you make (kinda why I still use your drawing for my avatar), so if any of you are thinking about getting your skin done, then stop thinking. In the words of Mr. Labeouf, JUST DO IT!
  5. Interesting.

    I'll take an icon if you don't mind? :p
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. ello smol child
    okie dokie! ill be able to use a site that lets me view your skin, all i need is the payment :>
    once its paid i'll get to work!
  7. I don't usually buy much anymore. So time to blow some rupees!
    I'll take a full-detail 10k of me ol' pirate skin, pl0x.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. :O hello you beautiful soul
    of course UwU
    anything specific for the setting you want??
    or you just wanna leave it to me?

    i already got the money, and i should be able to finish it tomorrow :>
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Maybe a little budgie somewhere? Rest is up to you.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. Your art is amazing, I really like the style <3

    I would like an Icon =3
    I just payed the 1k!
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. ello you smol child,
    okie dokie! thank you UwU i should finish it in a few days, thank you so much! :'D
    607, Equinox_Boss and _CheshireCat__ like this.
  12. Ooo these look cool. I would like a simple full body plz! Just payed the 800r
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. You have already done a few for me, but if you have the time later, maybe do some action poses and one holding a dragon egg? Full assortment of sizes and I'll pay this evening. :)
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. aaii fam what up, haven't seen you in awhile xDD

    of course!, so there basicly like the simple full body ones right? just with more advence poses XD
    ya, thats seems okie, you can pay any amount over 800, than ill get it dont sometime this week :>
    607, Equinox_Boss and Eviltoade like this.
  15. Yeah full body would be amazing. I'll send over like 20k or somethin lol
    607, Equinox_Boss and _CheshireCat__ like this.
  16. You're a really great artist! I would be honoured if you would do one of those simple full body ones of my skin. I will pay later tonight :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Since last time I only had my head done, I'm going to ask for a full body one, not detailed though, so the 8oor one. I'll pay you as soon as I can.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. wow! Artist community taking action xD I would like a full body version of my skin as well whenever you get the chance.(Also if you could add WolfInAction in the image I would greatly appreciate it) I've sent over 10k
    607 and WolfInAction like this.
  19. You have talent :p If you are able to, I would get a picture and an icon ill pay you 15k for it :p Keep up the good work :D
  20. okie dokie! ill be able to finish it today or tomorrow! thank you!
    LordessSpartan_ likes this.