[AUCTION] One DC of Quartz Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TasteOfTerror, Dec 31, 2016.

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  1. Ever wonder what the most beautiful block of Minecraft is?
    The answer: Quartz Blocks.
    Only issue is that players must search through the nether, a risky job.
    Well, I have gone through the depths of the nether, died a few times in lava, and spent hours grabbing a very hard to gather substance just for you!

    Item: One DC of Quartz Blocks
    Starting Price: 1000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 500r
    End Time: 48 hours after the last valid bid
    Pickup: Blocks can be picked up or viewed at /v +tot on SMP7

    Happy Bidding :D
    ShelLuser and xXvexenXx like this.
  2. 1k
    xXvexenXx likes this.
  3. 50,000r
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  4. 80,000r
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  5. Bump! Congrats on the Green Tag vexen :D
    Perez2428 and xXvexenXx like this.
  6. Bump! Still a little cheap!
  7. 200k
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  8. Late Night Bump!
  9. Bump! Qkazoo is in the lead for 3456 quartz blocks!
  10. Bump! Auction ending in Two Hours if nobody bids. Don't let this one slip away from you! ;)
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