[Auction] Tales of Eternia

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Unoski, Dec 31, 2016.

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  1. whats the deal with the book?
  2. It's a rare book written by Aikar about his outpost, Eternia. I'm not sure, but I heard it gives directions to Eternia in the book.
  3. No it doesn't
    There were only 32 dropped at the DP it was released and that means there are fewer than that now. It's also pretty old.
  4. The book does explain how to get there, no?
  5. It doesn't, as can be seen on the wiki page. Or, look at this picture I made of the wiki page, here:

    ChristmasTower likes this.
  6. Perhaps I may be remembering wrong, but the book includes a description AND how to get there :p
    ThaKloned and TomvanWijnen like this.
  7. Yeah, it tells you how to get there.
    Dufne likes this.
  8. Looks like the auction is over. Mailing Tales of Eternia now.
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