[Suggestion] Mobs Dont spawn on Protected Blocks!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Hey EMC,

    Have you made an Outpost, or working on a build? But have those mobs that spawn all over?

    This is a Suggestion, where if you have /buildmode on, and you have the blocks protetced, then mobs wont spawn on them. Only Passive Mobs.

    Let me know what you think...

  2. That is what kinda minecraft is.... so -1

    But cool idea
  3. Really the only thing I want is making it so Enderman can't pick up a protected block. Yea it's part of the game but it doesn't give you an benefits other then not ruining your outpost. Mine if over a desert and there are many DCs of blocks they can pick up. It just ruins the place after awhile. And no slabbing is not an option here.
  4. That's a very good idea, maybe make a seperate thread for more exposure ?
    ThaKloned likes this.
  5. I mentioned it in the anti grief release thread and they said no.
  6. -1
    Protected mob farms won't work properly.
  7. Not going to do this. Wild is still suppose to be survival. Official Outposts will have +monsters too.
    Zrugite and ForeverMaster like this.
  8. What do you mean, +monsters?
  9. That means monsters can still spawn.
    Easy solution. Turn on the lights.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. Is a flag that lets monsters spawn
  11. Wait so does that mean this whole thing about land claiming making a giant residence in the frontier is true?
  12. I don't know, i just know that theyll have flags, i think... I aint the official word, ya know?
  13. Haha sorry that was confusing, it was sort of aimed at chickeneer but your response seemed the best to quote :)

    EDIT:I'll stop posting now, don't want to derail this more