Elytra,Used dashers,EGEs,EZE,Avalauncher

Discussion in 'Selling' started by MrCDub, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. I have a few items left in my promo collection. and I want to get em sold.
    /v mrcdub on smp8
    enchanted elytra-32k each
    used dashers 3 color choices-22k each
    Enraged guardian Eggs PRE 1.9-10k each
    Enraged Zombie Egg PRE 1.9-59k
    b0bbythebuild3r likes this.
  2. Can you hold an enraged guardian? I may need one. Internet is not working atm so can't get on.
    MrCDub likes this.
  3. I set one aside just in case for you. You can still just use the shop chest though. If I see that you have bought one Ill just put it back.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  4. Oh thanks for reminding me :D I will log on and check if I need it.

    EDIT: Bought 2 :p Thanks
  5. It seems odd to me that an enraged guardian would be less than an enraged zombie. And by so much. Am I missing something?
  6. I'm not sure, but I'd suppose Enraged Guardians are easier to get because they get spawned in by a Momentus and will probably keep on spawning if you don't kill the Momentus, while Enraged Zombies only spawn every once in a while, and you'll have to find them, too.
    MrCDub, God_Of_Gods and ThaKloned like this.
  7. What 607 said. The zombies are rarer to see and cant be farmed. Also realize that these are pre 1.9 eggs. They don't have the purple line of lore on them. Since zombies are rarer and no more pre 1.9 eggs can be obtained the price gap is huge. One more thing; I spent 99k on the egg I'm selling for 59k.

    P.S. I'll also take the opportunity here so I don't double post to tell people; Pre 1.9 eggs can not be spawned or they become post 1.9 eggs.
    607 and God_Of_Gods like this.
  8. Thanks. That is very impressive that you have a way to farm guardians from a Momentus. You're good.
    607 likes this.
  9. 3 more elytra in stock.