When you have a bad/weird dream, just say to yourself, "this is a dream," and take control of it. (Inception had a bit of truth there with the spinning coin signal.) Challenge your imagination to create different environments and characters on a whim.
You all got a look at one of my all time creepiest dreams in Cold Storm Winds. Sometimes I remember my dreams, and sometimes not at all. I have definitely had the one Krysyy mentioned - totally getting ready for work, driving there, something alerts me that I'm dreaming and OH CRAP I'm an hour late getting up... gah! Hate those. The weirdest sleep deprived story from my life is the one and only time that I went sleep walking (well, that I'm aware of). It was while I was in college. I had a loft bed with a ladder, and my alarm clock was plugged in underneath the loft so I had to get out of bed and climb down the ladder to turn it off. One morning, I was having the "I'm getting ready for class" dream. I woke up, knew from the sun coming in the window that I was massively late, jumped down, scrambled into the shower, looked down .... and there was my alarm clock. Sitting in the bottom of the tub. What the what what ?!?! I would love to know what possessed me even in my sleep to do THAT. I battle occasional bouts of insomnia too (someone else mentioned that). Tonight I woke up due to being female. If women ever want to take over the world, all we need to do is give men a case of the sniffles. Actually, I'm debating just killing off all men period at this moment. Tread oh so lightly near me tonight LOL! One hot cup of tea and 2 midol later, and I might be safe to be around.
Haha, I know what you mean. When I was a kid, I used have a lot of digital clocks. Cloks were all over my room. And when the DST switch was there, I had to set them all manually. I had no clocks to adjust automatically :/ I'm only 18 years old now, soooo ya don't have to feel old
Oh look, we're right back here again. Hopefully tonight's dream-theatre is showing something I can enjoy. Or at the very least, discuss. Pretty sure EMC isn't the place for topless centaur women. I mean, what the fluff. Really? I don't even like horses. Then again, I just finished watching "Inside Out," so anything that doesn't involve bisected dogs and birthday clowns is a win, as far as I'm concerned.
Good news guys - I actually woke up at a decent time today The dream-theatre didn't show anything too special though, don't remember anything happening there...
I thought daylight savings was supposed to well save time? At least from where I live it's very nice to start your day without wasting much sunshine!
Since EB has moved from simply stalking old threads to committing grave acts of necromancy, I may as well share this morning's pre-work acid trip: - I was a tall black man, monitoring some tween girl in a museum - apparently she was doing some research or investigating and the "agency" I worked for wanted to keep tabs on her. - This somehow lead to me being abducted by ISIS, at which point I was "myself" again. - ...And was then held hostage in their living room, by a group of about ten of them. - ...and I fixed their broken multi-color pen. Because it was there, I guess? I guess in my brain's world, even terrorists need fancy writing tools.
Occasionally I think about doing that when in a dream. Usually it goes something like "I'll check the clock. If it doesn't make sense, I am in a dream." Looks at clock: Makes sense. Time to go about my day. Other times I figure it out but don't gain any of the cool dream super powers and just become frustrated. This was a long time ago, but my dream once turned into a nightmare involving a wolf running at me. Naturally, I nope out of that one and "woke up". As I sit up in my bed, I see the exact same wolf right in front of me and it pounces. That dream was genuinely terrifying. There are also the random jump scare type of nightmares. I remember one where things were perfectly normal in my house. I go downstairs, turn the corner, and there is a random old lady using the computer. There was nothing terrifying that happened but the random person just casually in my house terrified me out of that dream.
That tends to be my experience. I've had great dreams where I could fly, horrible ones where people die or I'm being chased, boring or surreal ones... but any time I realize I'm in a dream and try to 'take control' of it, it's like trying to move in quicksand or holding back the tide with your bare hands. What you want to happen or manifest consciously ends up being an exhausting, monumental, futile effort. Typically that effort alone ends up waking me up, which defeats the purpose. Lucid dreaming just ain't in our cards, I suppose.
Haha good one! The movie Inception is actually really interesting. In this cinematic masterpiece, Inception brings to light some of the most fundamental questions humanity knows very little about: what are dreams? Immediately after watching the movie, it seemed likely the whole movie was a dream. Mal brings up a good argument that Cobb is being “chased around the globe by anonymous corporations and police forces, the way the projections persecute the dreamer.” Additionally, it is never explained how Cobb got to that train in Kyoto, Japan, where the movie begins, similar to how you can’t remember how you got to your location in a dream. It is very unlikely that Saito and Fischer have never met or heard of each other before. They are very fierce competitors and it would be very poor business strategy to not know your competition. This make it plausible that only in a dream would Saito and Fischer be able to work together. In my opinion, the two most compelling reasons for the whole movie being a dream is it would be the greatest illusion for a movie about dreams to be a dream itself. Secondly, the whole idea of the movie is to plant an idea inside someone’s head to make them think they thought of that idea themselves. It could be possible that someone was sent into Cobb’s mind to convince him that his world wasn’t real by creating even more levels of subconsciousness to make it seems like it was Cobb’s own idea all along. The more I thought about it, though, the most practical way to look at the movie is with the outermost level (the airplane) as the real world. When we talk about dreaming, that implies that the dreamer is sometimes in the awake world. Furthermore, the drastic changes in weather, the sudden gravity shifts, were all experienced by each level of subconscious while dreaming but not in the outmost level—the airplane. This leads me to believe that the majority of this movie is a dream, albeit not all of it. While there are many ways to look at the movie, for the sake of discussion I declare the level with the plane the reality and not a dream. Regardless of whether the movie was a dream, the most powerful statement made in Inception is when Cobb didn’t wait to check the spinning top before running out to meet his kids. I think this truly underlines the limits of human nature: our perception is our reality. If Cobb wanted this world with his children to be real, then it was real to him and that’s all that matters. Cobb must have realized that the falling of a spinning top didn’t decide what his reality was, but the emotional connection he felt to his children. It seems likely that Fischer would end up splitting his father’s empire, as he confided to Eames/Peter Browning after riding the kick from the lowest level all the way up to the van and bridge level. We don’t know for sure though how Fischer acted after the airplane flight when the idea was planted into his mind. However, whether inception worked for Fischer hardly mattered for Cobb and indeed the viewer. As long as Saito was convinced the inception had occurred, he could make that mysterious phone call that would clear Cobb’s criminal record and he could finally go home to his children. One of the most interesting parts of the movie is how it navigates multiple concepts related to altered states of consciousness. Crash Course psychology defines consciousness as the awareness of ourselves and our environment. An altered state of consciousness is a state of mind that is changed from your original state of consciousness. Inception incorporates concepts from the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious states. The conscious part of the movie is discussed in the parts when Cobb is in his reality, and fully aware of what he is doing and his environment. This can be considered the outermost level that is shown in the movie, or the level with the airplane ride. When Cobb dug deeper into his subconscious states, his reality in his conscious state continued to become warped requiring Cobb to constantly check he is awake and not dreaming. The levels of the dream (van level through urban city) were in the subconscious state. Inception then proposes the theory that it is possible to go so deep into your subconscious that you will become trapped in what is called limbo. Cobb and Mal were locked in their unconscious state in limbo before leaving limbo. Dying before the kick was a frequent worry of Cobb’s team during the extraction of Fischer lest they be stuck in limbo for eternity. The majority of the film is when the main characters are in different subconscious levels. Even though they are aware that they are dreaming, each level of dream they enter lowers their consciousness even more. While their bodies sleep, their mind does the opposite. Inception truly shows how active your brain is during the sleeping state when Yusuf says “brain function in the dream will be about twenty times of normal. When you enter a dream within that dream, the effect is compounded.” The movie Inception raises many questions and leaves many people thinking: is true inception even possible? With the current technology and science available, I do not see inception being possible in the near future. That is not to say that in a century or two we will have advanced to the level that sharing dreams is common. While the ability to share dreams sounds very intriguing, I think Inception shows the very real caveats to that incredible power. Much more research will have to be done on dreams and dream within dreams before I feel comfortable subjecting myself to that uncertainty. The movie Inception definitely has its strong and weak points. I loved the way the movie showed that your perception is your reality and your reality might not be the same as someone else’s. I also thought the plot line and idea in general was very clever. Because most of the movie was in the dream world, Christopher Nolan could get away with a lot of cinematic fallacies, so I did not feel completely lost in watching the movie. Perhaps I was lost after the movie attempting to analyze what I had just watched. What more infuriating way to end a movie than by implying it was all a dream? But at the same time, how incredible would for Cobb to overcome the impossible just to go back home to his children.
Oh goodness, this is a blast from the past. I've been so busy I actually haven't remembered my dreams as of late, but I had a really weird one the other day. Wrote it down somewhere...*shuffles through papers on desk*