It's 5am, do you know where your brain is?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kephras, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. One dream I actually remember was when a friend drove me to a desert and then a skeleton dinosaur came up from nowhere and ate me. That was so weird.
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  2. No brain at near midnight minus almost half of an hour. Dreams? Minecraft in real life situations.
    Equinox_Boss and Kephras like this.
  3. Recently had a dream that I was stuck in what seemed to be a school. There was some kind of emergency and they were locking everyone in... I don't like to be locked in anywhere. I ran. I was running through the halls avoiding being locked in a room. It's not like they were trying to hurt me, that wasn't their intention I think... teachers and staff or whatever. They were trying to protect me from whatever the emergency was, which I never figured out in my dream.

    At some point I ran into some guys that seemed like they were getting ready to fight. There was a tall skinny guy that looked about half the size of the other one. The other one being a pretty tall guy too but not as tall but he was a bit "thicker" guy was fat. The tall one was instigating and I come up behind him and grabbed his shirt in a "over here" sort of way, to get his attention. He turned around I was kind of leaned up against what looked like an old style radiator with my legs crossed and a lazy kind of look to me and was like, "hey man, wanna talk?"

    Of course, because dreams are just weird that way, all of a sudden I was outside of the school and trying to get back in for some reason but the lock down was still going on and I was still running/rushing around and being sneaky.

    I sort of woke up in that, I now I'm dreaming kind of way before it ended but not long enough before it ended for me to be able to do anything cool :/ For some reason when I become lucid in a dream it ends really quickly afterwards. Which is kind of a bummer, I remember twice I have been able to "skip-fly" in dreams knowing I was asleep. That is so much fun heh. Never been able to straight take off into the air but jump a good 15-20 feet off the ground in a large arc. :D

    Edit: I think one of the things that made this dream so weird for me is that I have not set foot in a school like that in over 13 years. The last time I was in any kind of school was about 7 years ago, although it was a military "training" school and nothing like what was in my dream. It wasn't a school I have been to either.
    JesusPower2, Equinox_Boss and Kephras like this.
  4. Half my dreams have something to do with EMC.....
    Gawadrolt, Equinox_Boss and Kephras like this.