Looking for "Promo Malls/Shops"

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Fexu, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Hiya there fellow forum dwellers, I've been wandering around recently trying to find some "Promo Malls/Shops" but to no avail.. SO! I've turned to asking all of you. If you have any good Promo Malls and or Shops feel free to drop them below.(I've been itchin to blow some R on Promos recently..) It would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all. :D

    Yours Sincerely,
    FadedMartian likes this.
  2. 4005
    Think Zoin might have his running still,

    Those are off my head, but there are more
    Fexu likes this.
  3. finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  4. You know where to find my shop ;)

    But yes go spend all your money at 8080, Bandito needs the love
    Fexu likes this.