[DOUBT] Can we download a world/structure?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by zPedroLoLz, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. This might be a dumb question but I will ask anywho.

    If I make a structure or something big in a single-player creative mode, can I download or get that structure into our server? I know it can't be done, do I know correctly?
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  2. Unlikely. I dont remember but this might be an ss service?
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  3. Probably not because you'd have an unfair advantage of flight
    SirDieALott likes this.
  4. This is what I use and it's very easy to use. Just can't use printer function on the server.
  5. Makes sense. I know it would but I thought if I had the enough materials, I might get it automatically :p hehehe. But yea like others said, I will look into that Schematica and NOT use printer.
  6. finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  7. Thank you for the heads up, mate !! I might have used unknowingly and end up getting banned.
  8. As a rule of thumb with mods: if they give you an (unfair) advantage over other players then it's usually best not to use them unless they're explicitly mentioned on the mods wiki page.

    So if a mod does something automatically (like fishing, placing blocks, sorting inventory) then you should always think about whether it's allowed or not. Just to be safe. Sometimes it is, and sometimes it's not :)
    TasteOfTerror and SirDieALott like this.