[Scavenger Hunt] The Boss is Back

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Equinox_Boss, Dec 10, 2016.


Who am I

A robot 2 vote(s) 14.3%
Liking machine 7 vote(s) 50.0%
A lonely boy in a lonely world 3 vote(s) 21.4%
Media presence 2 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. Hiya there, Empireminecrafters. Old and young, young and old, I have a story to tell you. So get comfy and read.

    5 years ago*. Kinda hard to believe, but 5 years ago I began on my journey in EMC. Even though it was so long ago, I remember how it happened. I was at my friend’s (his IGN is Terr) Christmas party and he basically forced me to join EMC. It was funny because I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I had recently started Minecraft (I actually bought the game as a beta when it was only $10… then that account got canceled and I had to buy it a week later for $20 rip) and I was looking for a nice server to join. I was tired of those PvP servers because I am so trash at anything that involves actual playing of video games. So I signed up for EMC (with Terr as a referral of course haha) and got to playing right away.
    Wow what a ride it was. To put the time frame into perspective, I joined EMC when JustinGuy and GameKribJeremy were top dogs and I am even older than Krysyy and Aikar (this is the only thing I have over them so gotta use it**). There were only 4 smp servers at the time (LOL). I first got to using the forums at about March 2012 because I wanted to sign up for JabrZer0’s redstone contraption contest. Sortly thereafter smp5 through 9 were added and the res transporting system was added (y’know, that thing with pressure plates).
    Somewhere along the line, JustinGuy left us with a great legacy and his res full of chickens…(anyone?) and then the almighty IcecreamCow took the stage, and let me tell you, what a media presence! I was totally enamored with this guy as I finally was able to see how moderators act on the forums.
    Then a bunch of stuff happened blah blah and I won a free supporter for a referral contest (I didn’t actually place high enough to win, but the ranked 2 and 3 were homies and let the prize drop down to me). And the the Dragon Tombs updates were coming “soon”. “Soon.” Alright here I’m pretty sure we introduce JackBiggin, Chickeneer, Aikar, AlexChance, and a few other people. They were all doing cool stuff for our server while I was building my dirt house on smp1 (I later changed it to cobblestone so give me a break :p ). Soon the legendary Maxarias comes along and becomes the Mother to all EMC. So then JackBiggin did the EmpireWiki and that was great.
    All throughout that, I had a great time. I became well-known for “Equinoxing” people and had the very high honor of giving many people their Well-Known Member status. I was notorious for my awkward postings on my nook (my only piece of technology at the time). Probably my longest lasting contribution to the Empire is liking all the posts on the first 100 pages of this thread. I saw the market crash when a diamond dupe glitch was exposed and diamonds were sold for less than 30r. I saw copherfield choke on his pizza as he was “shure” he got unfairly banned (anyone know who I’m talking about)? I saw the rise and demise of this player’s Delta Team, and I saw only the demise of my attempt to reboot it, the Mercury Team. Oh and then again with Brickstrike’s and my attempt at rebooting the reboot: the Jupiter Squad.
    And the list goes on. I could continue to recount the stories of EMC and prove to you how retro I am, but I’d rather not, because I’m lazy, lol. But I just… I just saw the weirdest things happen on EMC.
    And then… school happened. I stopped playing Minecraft because I didn’t understand why there had to be carrots and potatoes and such. I mean breeding ALL animals with wheat is SO much easier. So I turned to just occasionally voting on the forums and logging on in game through Minechat and logging on in game for promos. Things like band suck up all your time. Oh yeah also school that thing in between summers lol.
    I had great times with people who are gone, gone and came back, who changed their names and people I forgot. Now I kinda hate when people do this, but I feel like I need to at least give a shout out to a few people who made my time on EMC one to remember, and most importantly one to come back to.

    JustinGuy- I never really interacted with you but you created the purpose and meaning of my life (which would be EMC) so thank you.
    IceCreamcow- I mean you are such a bro. I don’t know what else to say.
    Terr- For getting me into this great community. I know you also will never see this post lol.
    Mystul- For being an honest and good friend. I am sorry you died in Minecraft hardcore mode while fighting Ender Dragon.
    JackBiggin- You helped me with Mercury Team because I am incompetent with computers. Thank you.
    Eclipsys- Another great friend! Amazing builder… cannot handle.
    iSmooch- Ayyye
    Azoundria- You showed me what a mob grinder is and didn’t let me die in the wild < 3
    Cutejuliew- Probably one of the closest friends I’ve made on EMC. Thanks for everything!
    QuarterStop- We had a few encounters :)
    Brickstrike- My liking minion :D
    I Like Pigs
    Hashhog- so kind :3
    Chascarrillo- Interview baby!
    Kephras- GREAT GUY so smart :D
    Penfoldex- mah boi
    Bitemenow- ayyye you the man
    72Volt- Economy and lava walls and chill?
    MrLegitIsLegit- TF2 guy
    607- 8675309 amiright
    SoulPunisher- You get me
    Jtc0999- God bless
    Faithcaster- HAVE FAITH
    ShelLuser- Tryna get your head now so when you become mod I’ll be rich
    Nfell2009- mems
    PThagaard- rip miss ya
    Happyshopper- ^^ miss ya


    What I need from you:
    So yeah I’m old, I guess. I’m “active” now but will probably become inactive again as soon as finals are over and I stop procrastinating.
    1) So post something about yourself! Tell me what you’re famous for on EMC. Tell me something no one knows about you yet.
    2) Enter in my forum scavenger hunt competition! Here are a bunch of questions and post in the comments with your answer and you will be entered in the competition. If you answer a question (correctly) you will win some sort of prize! ONE QUESTION ANSWERED PER PERSON, HARDER QUESTIONS GET BETTER PRIZES

    1) What is my name?
    2) Where do I live?
    3) What school do I go to?
    4) How old am I?
    5) What do I sell on my res?
    6) What are some of my best selling auctions?
    7) What types of supporter have I had?
    8) When did I join EMC?
    9) What was my entry for the first competition I entered in on EMC?
    10) Where do I like to travel to in real life?
    11) How did I come up with this user name?
    12) How old was I when I started EMC?
    13) What contest did I try to create and then no one entered?
    14) When is my birthday?
    15) What was a real life competition I went to?
    16) What were the circumstances for my last leaving?
    17) Do I have a TV at home?
    18) What is my 3DS gaming number?
    19) What post of mine has the most likes?
    20) What post of mine has been liked by IcecreamCow?

    That's it for now! Tomorrow I will add some more questions and allow more people to win! I will do this until I don't have time. Thanks for indulging me. I hope you have a fun time.


    **At least according to the forums
    God_Of_Gods, Kytula, FWRonald and 4 others like this.
  2. Question // Answer // Winner

    1) What is my name?
    2) Where do I live?
    3) What school do I go to?
    4) How old am I?
    5) What do I sell on my res?
    6) What are some of my best selling auctions?
    7) What types of supporter have I had?
    8) When did I join EMC?
    9) What was my entry for the first competition I entered in on EMC?
    10) Where do I like to travel to in real life?
    11) How did I come up with this user name?
    12) How old was I when I started EMC?
    13) What contest did I try to create and then no one entered?
    14) When is my birthday?
    15) What was a real life competition I went to? // https://empireminecraft.com/threads/going-to-be-gone-for-a-couple-days.8998/ // Allicanto*
    16) What were the circumstances for my last leaving?
    17) Do I have a TV at home?
    18) What is my 3DS gaming number? // 1504-5826-7829 // Duflet
    19) What post of mine has the most likes?
    20) What post of mine has been liked by IcecreamCow? // http://imgur.com/SDXRut9 // Bemvino87
  3. well hi there im aiyard aka havioxs im famous for a really ugly pyramind on smp9 spawn and being almost 4 years old
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. *Skims through it*
    Maybe I'll finish reading the thread later.

    I feel it's only fair for me to help you reach 5,000 likes because without you (And TromboneSteve) I wouldn't have become an Elite member this year.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Congratulations on 5 years! You must have so many wonderful stories. Now what am I famous for? Well I'm not sure. Somebody would have to tell me that, because all I'm trying to do is whatever. As for your scavenger hunt, I'll be spending some time going through all of your 5045 posts tomorrow and researching as much as I can about you. When it's the weekend why not?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. I love you thanks.
    Ayye cool!!
    Good luck!!! I have seen your cool threads! :D
    Kytula and Christmas_Addict like this.
  7. I'm bemvino87! Remember you from QUITE a while back... you won a big auction of mine, which was one of the first to contain enchanted books. This was back before you could actually move them across servers, and it was awkward because you couldn't pick them up for like 6 months then we both forgot... anyway, still got them if you want them, I think.

    Ya'll remember Not Special Dirt? Yep, that was me that suggested that... you're welcome.

    Also, here's that answer to question 20. (I can't seem to insert an image, so here's the URL on imgur: http://imgur.com/SDXRut9)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. I remember you! I finally did get those enchanted books... thanks for keeping them for me so long! And great job with the question, I sent a little something your way by mail!
  9. Welcome back! Of course I remember you, you're the mad liker. :p

    As for one of my claims to fame, let's just say that netherhound spawn eggs were sorta my fault. :p

    Also, 3DS gaming number is 1504-5826-7829
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Equinox_Boss, aka the Like machine. I remember your name from back in the day and appreciate your likes. :D

    Don't really think I am famous or known for anything, I guess I win firefloor sometimes and I'm kinda old on EMC
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. Yay! That's right I sent a little something your way :)
    Correct! Yep I bought a promo from you haha. I'll be sending something your way shortly. :)
  13. Wow 5 years? Congrats on that! And a little something about me? I got a spawn res on smp3 and I'm going to build something huge there once I actually get the motivation lol. But congrats again and thanks for all the likes ;)!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. What do you spawn on your res? I have a homegrown animal farm too haha
    Kytula and Christmas_Addict like this.
  15. I mean I got a res next to spawn haha
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. just wondering, you said you would send a reward shortly
    but i didnt get anything

    just wana be sure you didnt send it wrong :p

    edit: nvm just saw it on my rupees balance xD
    i didnt notice, my bad :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. No problem! I hope you enjoy that cash! :D
    God_Of_Gods, Kytula and Allicanto like this.
  18. If you want free stuff you should enter ;)