[AUCTION] 4 DC's of Baked Potatoes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheDarkAngel7, Nov 10, 2016.

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  1. muhahahah 669r
  2. Auction Closed

    Unfortunately those bids were made too late, the 666r bid was made at 5 PM on the dot, if the time to close was 5:01 I'd accept that but it closed when the clock struck 5 PM. The 669r bid was invalid because it didn't meet the minimum bid increment requirement and it was made too late. Therefore...

    Victory goes to nltimv with 620r! Thanks to everyone who participated, don't worry fellas... there's more baked potatoes where these came from! ;)
    TomvanWijnen and nltimv like this.
  3. Will be paying tomorrow :)
  4. oops sorry, my math isn't working :l
  5. Access signs have been setup at the specified location.
    nltimv likes this.
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