Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bonditt, Nov 7, 2016.



Poll closed Nov 14, 2016.
BIGDAVIE 2 vote(s) 8.3%
KRYSYY 2 vote(s) 8.3%
EVILTOADE 20 vote(s) 83.3%
  1. hi guys,
    so as one or two of you know i have had a FALL in the last 12 hours (mountain biking) and i have 100% rext my right side. If you would like to see photos (caution blood) send your Skype name to me in a pm and ill send you some photos. I might not be on as much because i am in mostly shock and in a lot of pain. i have a 2 inch line in my back and is in a lot of pain. My right leg May be broken (not sure yet) and my right arm is mostly covered in blood and torn! I will be on tomorrow but other then that i will be trying to relax my body.

    Sadly i was unconscious for a good half of the event. I can explain to some of you what has happen, but i might not be around as much. I am meant to go to a hospital in the next 24 hours.

    Peace out

  2. Hm, I hope you'll be okay... :/
    Gawadrolt and CallumDAKing like this.
  3. Welp, get well soon.
    Gawadrolt and CallumDAKing like this.
  4. Rest & get well. Prayers for a quick recovery.
    Gawadrolt, 607 and CallumDAKing like this.
  5. Same with me CDK :)
  6. 1 yes i'm wearing jocks and 2 i cut out my face
    Terminator908 likes this.
  7. <3 get well soon my man.
    Gawadrolt and CallumDAKing like this.
  8. Wow, bro! I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. Get well soon my friend!
    Gawadrolt and CallumDAKing like this.
  9. 11pm at night can't sleep because of pain.. been taking pain killers and they having done much.
  10. Have not I meant
  11. Wow, Toade is really popular!
  12. I hope you feel better man. That looks pretty gnarly. you said to message you for bloody pictures so I was all like, ok its safe to scroll down... *give it a second* .... *WINCE!!!* ouch dude. Did you have fun at least? before... the... OUCH!
    607 likes this.
  13. “bones heal, pain is temporary, [and] chicks dig scars...”

    ― Evel Knievel
    Wither_Addict, Jay2a, FDNY21 and 3 others like this.
  14. Yeah it was me jumping on 2 Mater tall jumps then, my breaks locked up and I went flying over the handle bars! As soon as I touch the ground I was knocked out
  15. Get better soon, that's a nasty hit there. I know a couple people who have had dangerous accidents on their mountain bikes, but they haven't looked as bad as that...

    If your brakes locked up, I take it the brakes were on mid-air and then when the wheels touched ground again the brakes were pressing on tight enough to cause a stop in rotation, causing you to fly over the handle bars?
    607 and CallumDAKing like this.
  16. Yeah that's how it happen