Whats your computer?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by t6ler, May 23, 2012.


PC or Mac? Give a reason in the replies.

PC 34 vote(s) 58.6%
Mac 22 vote(s) 37.9%
Linux/other 2 vote(s) 3.4%
  1. True:) sorry, i was typing this on my phone! I have 12gb of ddr3 1600 ram in my desktop.
  2. What kind of software do your run that requires, or even has the capacity to utilize, 12GB of RAM and a six core CPU?
  3. Oh boy these Apple zombies are funny.
    thecontroller likes this.
  4. Ow then that's something.
    My uncle has a kick-ass pc with 32GB (i'm too poor for that :p).
    When you see that 3-screen beast you feel like in heaven, specially while playing crysis all-at-max LOL
    nmanley likes this.
  5. 3D video rendering (and design) uses a bunch of RAM and CPU (obviously graphics card also), stuff like cinema 4D (animations on it) could use a bunch depending on the FPS and resolution. Some games (like crysis 2) would appreciate such configuration, and also server tasks (like a home minecraft server) love those numbers.
    nmanley and thecontroller like this.
  6. Also, when you throw price into the equation, windows laptops/desktops tend to have more power than a mac:) i dont completely hate apple, but they overcharge you for a product they wont support in about 3-4 years.
  7. Minecraft server for friends that has a city generator. I got it for supposed future proofing too.
  8. I WANT a Mac but it's like $1,000 I have a stupid slow windows computer
  9. For about half of that $1,000 mac. You can build your own computer. My computer was cheaper then that, and can run pretty much any game on low-med graphics settings.
    ISMOOCH and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. So true, go on newegg and build yourself an AMD based pc if you want good (not uber) speeds for under a thousand. If you have a monitor, keyboard and mouse already, you wont have to pay much (for computers) at all:)
  11. Fair enough then.
  12. This may explain my views on computers. I want to be an engineer, so power is a major part to me when it comes to computers. Looking good, running smoothly without having to tweak it, and prestige arent deciding factors for me. Function over form, FTW:)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  13. You have to understand that I'm forced to make the generalization that most people here buy computers to play games. So when someone comes along and brags about their beast of a machine, usually with parts that are unnecessarily excessive and therefore fiscally wasteful, it's usually a good idea to clarify its purpose.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  14. The only reason why Mac runs so smoothly is because the hardware is the best and most expensive. Sure Mac can have a quad core processor and your Windows can have a octo-core but guess what, Mac has a quad-core processor that has 3.8 GHz processing power whilst your Windows has a 8 core processor but it only has 2.8 GHz of processing power.

    What I'm saying is the only reason Macs are expensive and runs smoothly is because Apple picks the best hardware for their product whilst Windows works with companies such as HP, Dell, ASUS, Acer, Sony, and etc. but these companies use cheap and unreliable hardware. Yet again Mac has its pro's and con's.
  15. Sorry, when i was listing my desktop parts, i was just trying to show mr. 4gb of ram that his computer wasnt all that amazing:/ my bad:/ also, its a hexacore AMD, so its not a $1000 dollar cpu:)
  16. Its not the "stupid slow windows" that's slowing it down. Its actually the user. I bet you have tons of unused bloatwares in your computer. Your registry system is all dirty. Malicious programs run on the background. All these things can cause your computer to run slow. I have a home computer that came out in 2007 with Windows Vista, I kept Windows Vista until last year until I upgraded to Windows 7. I managed to keep Windows Vista running fast even though Vista is full of crap. Its all about the user :)
    SecretAznEks and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. Nothin' beats a mac! Steve Jobs FTW!
  18. Very true, believe it or not in most cases when Minecraft gives you the "Out of memory" error its usually because you are giving Minecraft/Java 1 GB of memory and there's not enough memory for the computer to use. I usually recommend giving it 512 MB since Minecraft runs in a average of 312 MB unless your running extra mods (a few mods don't affect Minecraft).
  19. That awkward moment when your saying "APPLE FTW!" and your main operating system for your computer is Windows...