[AUCTION] DC of Emeralds

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by no_thing, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Description
    One double chest of emeralds is for sale. Why do you want emeralds? Well for starters they are the most profitable item in the game. You can turn these bad boys into expensive enchanted books at /v +trade on smp4 or you could even try your luck at turning it into glowstone! Doing either of these will get you a boatload of exp so what are you waiting for?! Make some profit!

    Auction rules
    Ends 48 hours after last VALID bid

    Starting bid is 1000r
    Bids must be 500r or larger than the previous bid
    Pick up at 171 smp1 (smp2 or 8 can be arranged if desired)
    Delivery is free on all servers apart from smp7 (10r)

    Any questions just ask. As always happy bidding all!
    TasteOfTerror likes this.
  2. 1000r
    no_thing likes this.
  3. 2000r
    no_thing likes this.
  4. 6k
    no_thing likes this.
  5. Wow these bad boys may well be red because they are so HOT at this price. Come on guys and gals 6k is a steal!
  6. 6,500r
    no_thing likes this.
  7. 10k
    no_thing likes this.
  8. 10.5
    no_thing likes this.
  9. 10.5k whoops
  10. 12k
    no_thing likes this.
  11. I could use this but I don't need this. 26k
    no_thing likes this.
  12. 30k
    no_thing likes this.
  13. Bump! 30k is still super cheap! Come cash in!
    vSinister likes this.
  14. What he said! They're only 8.7r each!
    vSinister likes this.
  15. 31.5k
    no_thing likes this.
  16. 31.5k is still super cheap guys. Come cash in!