Hey guys what do you think of a waste clean up crew?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by napoleonbonfarte, Oct 26, 2016.

  1. I want players to enjoy the waste because people build so much! Even though it gets reset I want players to enjoy it while it lasts so people love the waste!
  2. Hmm, isn't the best way to enjoy the waste digging away at it to try and get as much ores and other stuff? ;)
    MancubPlayzMC likes this.
  3. Well, If it was cleaner people would build mining huts in a cleaner environment. People would also find the waste more beautiful than the frontier. When the waste is reset, it starts clean. But wouldn't it be nice to have it end clean? It's your opinion.
  4. that sounds like a lot of effort for something that was made to be destroyed so we dont destroy the frontier. I really couldn't care less about what the waste looks like. looks wont stop me from mining it
  5. Use this concept for the frontier :D
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  6. We already exist (the FCC)
    M4ster_M1ner, Kytula and ShelLuser like this.
  7. Apart from what has been said above also note the messages which you get when entering the wastelands: they clearly warn you not to build (permanent) structures there ;)

    So in a way I think it's a good thing if people don't get persuaded to build there. Keep in mind: plenty of new(er) players might get confused over it. But in the end the waste is best used for what its name implies: making a wasteland :)
  8. Now the point of this is to make it flat like we are restarting the waste. It's not like we are gonna build houses on it. We could put down signs and stuff saying like : Please do not build anything here! It's a mining area!
  9. Ok and even if it is called the wastelands. I don't like unorganized things if anybody understands me. lol
    Kytula likes this.
  10. Not many players read signs and no one wants to out effort into something that resets once every 4 months...

    There are some servers that are like perfect as not many people use it. Like the smp6 waste....
  11. It was better when that server was properly dead.
  12. Well 4 months is a long period don't ya think?
  13. Hey, doesn't seem like you're getting much support here, but if you want to clean up the wastelands you better damn clean the shit out of them. Go for it man, you can do it, and you can do it flippin fantastic because you are freakin COCOABBI. Don't let people put you down, YOU are amazing <3
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  14. Repairing the Waste is a "Waste" of your time!

    I need to stop.
    Kytula likes this.
  15. I kinda get what you mean. :) when I mine and gather resources I like to do it in a clean fashion. So when I'm done it doesn't look like a warzone. I just level it. Lol might be why I like the big dig events so much :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. OMG TYSM ESSELM or however you spell it ur amazing and thank you to the very little amount of supporters here
  17. Besides suggesting to better put the effort into frontier where it will have much greater effect - as some people have already suggested above -

    if you want to make Wastelands better, make some simple paths so that people can more easily travel. It will also have an indirect effect on keeping it prettier - above all with less creeper holes. I've made some paths myself.

    Oh, see, dee, we do understand you very well. ;) Welcome to the club. :D
    Kytula and ShelLuser like this.