Not exactly sure how you figured another 13hrs a few hrs ago, but according to my math the 48hrs has passed since my last valid bid of 60k. If you can confirm that I did indeed win, I will send your rupees. Thanks.
Sorry, it was quite late & I was exhausted. We have a major hurricane headed my way & I was working all day making preparations. You are correct, you have won the auction. Please send payment & I will set up access as soon as I can. Provided that I still have power & internet.
Actually online, for now. Was in-game when you sent payment. I was already in route to town. Access should be set up in about 10 min or so.
Access is set up. Smp9 /v 18353. When you arrive, turn around and go through the double doors behind you. Follow the short corridor, through the next set of doors. Your chests are straight ahead & to your right.
That's cool, I am headed out the door for work and won't be able to pick up until later tonight. I did not realize the transaction would proceed so quickly. Is there any way to change the name on the signs to LadyJaye? She is my daughter, and actually wants to purchase half of these off me I look forward to having easy access to black wool or black tinted glass. Thanks again for the auction, and you are in our prayers.