I don't know if they count as mythical creatures, but basically according to islam there's three different types of conscious beings; angels, jinns, and humans. I know angels and jinns exist because i've seen them myself... One time, i walked into the living room and saw my dad sitting on the sofa. i even greeted him and he greeted me back, and then i left outside and saw his car wasn't there. I came back inside and saw he was gone. I asked my mom if he was back from work and she said he wasn't 0_0. A few hours later i heard his car in the driveway, and he came through the door. Obviously I was like whaa, so I went down and asked him about it and he told me it wasn't him. He told me if i ever see something like that again, to recite a prayer, greet it, and if it replies nicely then to not be afraid. But if it replies negatively just leave and never speak of it again. One or two years after that, I saw a white robed man praying in my living room. For some reason, I remember seeing him made me happy, so i did what my dad said to do and i greeted him and he smiled and greeted me back. I stayed and watched him for a while before leaving. My sister once told me when she was a kid, a few years after my grandfather passed away in pakistan, that she woke up in the middle of the night and went to get water. She was passing the living room when she saw lo and behold our grandfather sitting there. She stood there and stared, and he just laughed and told her to come. Wisely I believe, she didn't listen and just turned around and went back to her room. I don't think it's a dream, she says she's sure it wasn't and she remembers it so vividly.
NEWS FLASH XD I was literally just reading what ESSELEM wrote and I heard a bang from outside. I looked through my window and I saw some person running away with a cat tail and ears O_O
Nah, that was me, sorry Spartan I decided tonight was the night I make a noise outside your house and run away with a cat tail and ears on.
Dragons, phoenix, yeti, fox spirits,... I don't believe in such things. They're simply too obvious, in my opinion, to go without note; I hold the same belief for many mythical creatures and, even more debated, cryptids (like bigfoot, Nessie, and chupacabra). I believe that if those creatures existed, we would have scientific proof by now, not just a bunch of grainy photos of grown men prancing around in the woods in ape suits in order to make a quick buck. That said, these are simply creatures we've given names to; I absolutely believe that there are many beings equally as strange as loch ness monsters, dragons, and goat-suckers alike that lay undiscovered. Look at the platypus, a venomous beaver-turned-duck that lays eggs despite being a mammal; sounds crazy, doesn't it? Or the mantis shrimp, which is basically as close to a real life Superman as we've ever had in terms of the sheer strength of its punch. We've explored a fraction of a fraction of the ocean, where whales bigger than busses sleep and octopi and fish stranger and more ghoulish than any science fiction movie swim. It's impossible to even begin to imagine the diversity of species that likely lays undiscovered in those deepest depths that are, as of yet, unexplored, right here on our own planet. Quit searching the sky for aliens, I say, and simply look on our own planet, and you'll find much more than you bargained for. They might not be mythical, but they're worth of the title. After all, manatees and oarfish have been mistaken for mermaids and sea monsters; doesn't that give them a sort of honorary status? As for ghosts, phantoms, and spirits, I have seen no personal evidence of any such beings and remain highly skeptical of those who have claimed to, but as such I have no more evidence to suggest that they do not exist. Thus, I keep my mind open to the idea, even though I'm not sure how I feel about it. I guess I'll just have to wait for some proof of my own, whether for or against.
As with what ESSELEM was saying about the Islam religion and how it features 3 sentient beings, all of them featuring in many mythical tales and biblical tales a like, I would like to say that Religion plays a big role in people's belief of certain creatures and entities. Many, if not all religions contain many creatures whether they be foul and evil such as Demons that can be found in almost all religions in some form or way, but also includes good and the holy with the various angelic beings. And really when it comes down to it you can simply think of all religions as a mythology as when you think of it all myths and legends used to be belief and even some still are! So I have a question for all of you. Do you consider Religion separate from Mythology or same?
i believe in science and unless science and prove this they are just fun story with horrid endings XD
I don't believe in any religion, but I do believe in science. However, I also believe there are some things science can't explain at this time.
So last night i scared myself half to death cause well my finger nails are like claws XD so i wake up in the middle of the night with my hand next to my face and i thought it was some weird creatures hand and i screamed lol. Ok now to what i was going to share : After i woke up last night and that happened I heard footsteps in my hallway upstairs where i sleep and it wasn't my cats cause they were all sleeping with me. So I got out of bed and it sounded like something rushed into another room so I go into that room and the window was open and I don't know why. Its not like someone would jump out of the window on the second floor XD or come in cause that's impossible. So i head downstairs and flip the lights on and my 2 dogs weren't in their cage. Not like i cared but where the heck were they. Idk what happened last night but I went back to sleep and I just woke up about 2 hours ago and I went into that room, the window closed but some stuff out of place and then I went downstairs and the dogs were on the couch just sitting there. This was really strange. My grandma and grandpa live with me, my mom, and sisters and they always told me not to wander the house at nights cause there were supposedly some ghosts that could be dangerous :/ A long long time ago someone and there husband died in my house, Idk how but they did. I have a feeling that were stirring them or whatever cause we are moving to another state on Thursday so we are packing everything and moving stuff out of the house so there is a chance that we stirred something.
I had a really weird dream about Dory the fish. Does that count as a mythical creature? Talking Fish?
Soucouyant. My grandparents from both sides of my parents saw it and my parents did too. Read about it.
Wow I would be so scared if I saw that cause I looked it up and it said: "a malignant witch believed to shed her skin by night and suck the blood of her victims."
Nope, as for example mythology can be written by anyone and the writer knows what they're writing didn't actually happen, while with religious books the authors are (supposed to be) writing things they deem truth only.