I'm supposed to post something here, aren't I?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by tjboy11, Dec 11, 2011.


Who is more awesome: Notch or JustinGuy? (I know, unfair question, but I had to ask)

Poll closed Dec 18, 2011.
Notch 3 vote(s) 18.8%
JustinGuy 13 vote(s) 81.3%
  1. i actually remember that very post. because i was nodded in agreement when i saw it.
  2. Well thanks crazy, now I need a magnifying glass and a text colour decoder in one, any one know where I can get one?

    BTW I have made a new sig here it is check it out :-D p.s I will not use small text :-D
  3. Yes.
    A million times yes.
  4. love the new sig mr2
    MR2R2M likes this.
  5. Thanks man :)Now its Crazy's turn to use it, he would be crazy not to :D
  6. you guys have started something.. but he is all about life lessons in his signatures XD
  7. Technically "ITS IN THE GREY TEXT!" is a life lesson, its pointing something out to you that is blatantly obvious XD Because if it were a snake it would have bitten you by now :p
  8. U guys have been busy while I slept...

    I'm now highlighting every comment in a paranoid fashion.

    Also, I didn't expect this discussion to go on for so long. Bored much?


    And no, I'm not grey-texting anything. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Don't bother to check.

    ...you checked anyways, didn't you? XD
  9. ...Yes. :oops:
  10. Trololololo-lololo-lololo....