[Buying] Staff Heads and Team Member Heads

Discussion in 'Buying' started by padde73, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Looks like a nice collections keep it up !
  2. Did you take a look at my res?

    Yea, it's getting bigger, still need your head. Got the old version on loan:D
  3. Do you still want a seffy head PM me
  4. Bump! Haven't received a Pm or anything for a while. You could be my next seller :p
  5. I still got that purple aikar head
  6. I'm still considering but I feel the price is too high.
  7. I've now completed my Current Stream Team head list! I managed to obtain a HxCami10 head that finished the hunt for Stream team members!
  8. :p you might as well place a pigman head for simons,he doesnt plan on ever giving any out ( lord knows you need the head of satan starring at you 24/7)
  9. I'll place a custom made scrub head instead of Simons :p
    Qkazoochan likes this.
  10. I've added some of the more known Staff alt heads. Check it out in the OP! :)
  11. Bump! Looking for Chickenear and moonbowchin. I can pay good money for The_Pebble's head
  12. Bump! Still looking to buy a lot of the heads out there. Just send me a PM if you're looking to sell, lend or donate!