Promo blow out. (Some super rares)

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by ShrinkingMatt, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. Promos I'm selling:

    Green krysyy head [SOLD]
    Ham hacker [SOLD]
    Independence pants [SOLD]
    Independence chest [SOLD]
    Momentus's toothpick
    2015 birthday cake
    Ore buster [SOLD]
    Dragon poop [SOLD]
    Trick-or-treat bundle
    Pot of gold
    Marlix"s bow [SOLD]
    Cupids bow [SOLD]
    Meteor bow [SOLD]
    Maxarian head
    2015 birthday cookie [SOLD]
    Magical eggcellent wand [SOLD]
    Enraged guardian
    PlasmaBanana47's voter boots [SOLD]

    Just message me a price and we can discuss it. Any questions must be posted below.


    Super Rare Section!

    Charcoal renamed "Poop of Haro"
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  2. Is the pot of gold 2015?
  3. I don't believe the name changes from 2014-2015? This is however from 2014 I believe
  4. How much are the cookie and eggcelent wand?
  5. How much for the green Krysyy head?
    Sachrock likes this.
  6. Sorry the cookie has been sold and just 9,000 will do for the wand?
  7. Sure, I'll pay the next time I get on. :)
  8. I'll mail within the next 8 hours
  9. So what's the super rares? :p
    samsimx likes this.
  10. Hmmm.... 35K for Ham Hacker?
  11. how much for independence gear and maxarian head? ll totaled and what year avalauncher?
  12. How much for the dragon poop?
  13. Bump :) Still some pretty nice promos available
  14. BumpBump ;-;
  15. I buy dragon poops 8909 smp4
  16. Price?
  17. 50k each
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.