The Most Interesting Minecrafter in the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JabrZer0, May 9, 2012.

  1. in "Percentage" that is 10%... of your posts are liked... now, Jabr up there is incinuating that this number equals interestingness... so.. that makes you 10% interesting based of this equation :p.

    Jabr being 129% interesting so on and so forth.
  2. totally ;)
  3. yer i getit now :D mines horrible then :O
    SecretAznEks, Curundu and ISMOOCH like this.
  4. We were trying to make the title a play on "The most interesting man in the world" :p Sorry if it isn't really the best fit though.

  5. Posts: 828
    Likes: 496
    My ratio: .60
  6. Wait is making a post in the forums saying if u like the empire like this post against the rules because I just did it before I read this?
    Curundu, ISMOOCH and Mrsmiley99 like this.
  7. I just heard my brother yelling in the backround at his game lol, oh god hes still going!
    SecretAznEks, Curundu and ISMOOCH like this.
  8. Not as fitting as this one.

  9. When i get site posts likes, it because, i dunno, what is THIS t hing thats going on here? Either that or because im simply absoloutley flawless!
    Curundu and ISMOOCH like this.
  10. I got rid of your thread -_-... begging for likes is not the way to go.
  11. 321 posts
    Ratio: .83
  12. ISMOOCH: I see what ya did there. And copied it. :cool:
    Mrsmiley99, SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  13. 1.63 !! Woohoo, it pays to be a "New Member"
  14. yeah... you have to think.. back when I even started posting, there were not enough active forum members to really like things.. they just couldnt be bothered. I mean, it really does not mean anything. and all of you could like every post of mine here 20 times, it will not really affect my ratio that much :p. Its just another number. Its fun to compete in a way, as long as no one gets rude about it. Its all in fun xD. The problem enters in when people start to make threads or posts that are obviously only for likes and nothing else. A sort of... cheating... kind of thing.
  15. I think you did it backwards :(

    Try .24?
  16. you've got it switched bud. Your at .25 :)
  17. flip them around xD

    Mrsmiley99, SecretAznEks and Curundu like this.
  18. Holy McCorrections!
  19. lolz... that is all.