Favrite call of duty gun. <3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by IMJUSTADONKEY, May 7, 2012.

  1. Famas with extended mags in Black ops
  2. I'm UMP45 for Battlefield 3. ♥ that gun.
  3. I'm UMP45 for Mw3 :D
  4. AK-47 In any of the COD games. Its boss
  5. R u serious......

  6. They fixed it!!! :D :D No one is using it ANYMORE :D
  7. Omg they finally fixed it? =O I can finally return to BF3!
  8. Xbox or PC?
  9. Xbox ♥
  10. :D add me "Nighthawk20000"
  11. Xbox! Oh and I was thinking about getting BF3 do you think I should get it I borrowed it from my friend a couple of times and I played the beta but I couldn't play on my account because you had to be over 18.... :( if they fixed this in the full game I would totally buy it
  12. I shall next time I'm online.
  13. All you have to do is set your parental controls to allow all games.
  14. Did. Still wouldn't let me.