Not intending to sound rude, by any means. But what tool would you use to prepare food that would require 2 hands to use?
Touché, Kytulas question will be number eleven. No, it is not used in the preparation of food. Edit: several types of beaters would require two hands. Also, the tool is manually operated. Not digitally. I will let you have your victory sir :-P it could also be argued that all tools in minecraft require one hand... although we know the bow is supposed to require two. Twelfth question?
I did not think of the old hand cranked beaters, or a flour sifter for that matter. If you were referring to electric beaters, I certainly wouldn't want to go near one that required two hands .
Also in my time as a cake decorator, there's icing bags, and this neat little tool that's a cake slicer/leveler. Plus, there's old fashioned butter churners, just to name a few
No it cannot move on its own.Yes it is a thing.No, it is not a food item.Yes it is a tool.No, it is not used to play minecraft.No, it is not used to demolish or remove things.No, it is not held between just the index finger and the thumbNo, it is not related to the consumption of food or beverage.Yes, it requires both hands.Yes, it is manually operated as opposed to digitally(electronic)No, it is not used in the preparation of food.Twelfth question?
This bugs me. The fact that he/she would post the very definition of "tool" says that they are messing with the general concept of what a "tool" is. And I'm sure that this "tool" falls squarely in line with the definition provided, yet is not what one would think of as a conventional "tool".
It's not really me messing with you so much as me giving a pretty clear sign that the definition of the word very well might mess with you because well.... you already said the rest
me·chan·i·cal məˈkanək(ə)l/ adjective working or produced by machines or machinery. "a mechanical device" (of a person or action) not having or showing thought or spontaneity; automatic. "she stopped the mechanical brushing of her hair" synonyms: automatic, unthinking, unconscious, robotic, involuntary, reflex, knee-jerk, gut, habitual, routine, unemotional, unfeeling, lifeless; More noun1. the working parts of a machine, especially a car. archaic (especially with allusion to Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream ) a manual worker. No, it is not mechanical. To say as much would be a hell of a stretch, I cannot imagine anyone would disagree that is not mechanical. Also, sorry about the definition but YOU brought this upon yourself. Thirteenth question?
hmmmm. it is a tool, requires two hands and is manually operated. I THINK that is implied no? Do you want to rephrase that?
I could consider eyeglasses, a book, ruler, light, or chart to be all of those, yet I can use them while they are stationary. I would like to differentiate between those sorts of tools and things like a lawn mower or hammer. Perhaps I should withdraw the question and consider your question an answer.
Alright since my question was ignored Gawadrolt... Is this tool practical for the every day consumers?