[Service] HxCami10 and JediKittySC's Bulk Service

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by HxCami10, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. oh my god! my eyes, trying to read prices for some things... PLEASE oh my god please change that blue. holy crap that hurt so bad.
  2. Uhm, what res?
    Dufne likes this.
  3. Will get on and pay as soon as I can!
  4. Hey I paid the 14k for my 4DCs of Stone, where can I pickup?
  5. Chests are at be at HxCami10 4 on SMP8 I am getting on to put access signs on now.
    NotoriousPaulG likes this.
  6. Item: Stone
    How Many Double chests: 8
    Total Amount to be paid: 26000
    Delivery to 9086 on smp4

    And I completely missed the Delivery Part sorry about the delay attempting Delivery Now.

    And I can't cause only HxCami10 name on access signs :(
  7. just wondering how far my order is coming along and if i could add a dc of iron blocks for 80k?
  8. We have 2 down or each. And I am sure that is no problem. As you can imagine I've been a little busier now, but we should be done fairly quickly with the iron!
  9. Hi, this still exists, but don't worry, I'd like to delay this order to at least 2.5 weeks from now, as I'm currently a bit out of rupees and out of time (= I'm busy as what), and next week I'll be gone :p

  10. That's fine with us man! We will have it waiting for you when you are ready :)
    AyanamiKun and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Item: Stone Bricks
    How Many Double chests: 2
    Total Amount to be paid: 8,000r
    I'll pick up.
  12. Hey there,

    I'd like to put in an order for the following please and thanks:
    2DC of Glass 16k
    1DC Spruce 12k
    Total 28k

  13. Item: Stone Bricks
    How Many Double chests: 1
    Total Amount to be paid: 4,000r
    Pickup or Delivery Delivery
    If Delivering(Server and Res Number): 10932 and smp5

    I would like to delay this because I don't have enough rupees to buy it so please cancel my order.
    Thanks! :)
  14. bulk
    Item: sandstone, stone
    How Many Double chests: 4 of each
    Total Amount to be paid: 50,000
    Pickup or Delivery
    If Delivering(Server and Res Number): smp7 15608 (give what name i need to do for access and who to pay)
    HxCami10 likes this.
  15. Item: Sandstone
    How Many Double chests: 4
    Total Amount to be paid: 36,000r/36k
    Pickup or Delivery: Pickup
    If Delivering(Server and Res Number):

    Might order more soon :)
  16. Item: Ice Blocks
    How Many Double chests: One
    Total Amount to be paid: 15,000r
    I'll Pickup!
  17. just wondering how far my order is :p
    no need to hurry tho ;)
  18. I believe it is done. Once I get home I'll double check it
  19. So much this... pleeeaaaase.

    I have two orders.

    order one:

    2DC's of oak logs- 20k

    order two

    1 Double Chest of Oak Log - 10,000R
    1 Double Chest of Birch Log - 10,000R
    1 Double Chest of Jungle Log - 12,000R
    1 Double Chest of Spruce Log - 12,000R
    1 Double Chest of Dark Oak Log - 14,000R
    1 Double Chest of Acacia Log - 14,000R
    both orders 92k
    Let me know if this is too much please. I will send payment asap after confirmation that you will take the order. I separated it only because I would like the oak logs within a weeks time if possible the rest can be done at your leisure :D
  20. We can do this, and may even have the oak done, if not I can do it tonight :p