[FORUM GAME] Yum! or Ewww!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by BenCannoli, Jan 21, 2016.

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    This is a Pavlova. This dish takes an important part in the national cuisine of Australia and New Zealand.

    Doesn't it look so TASTY?

    607 likes this.
  2. EW can't stand that >_<

    Grapefruit salad
  3. Ewwww

  4. Yum!

    Banana and chocolate

  5. Yum!
    Water ;)
  6. Yum!
    HOT water!
  7. Water doesn't really have any taste for me... (is something wrong with me?)

    Raspberry Pi! (I hope you know what I mean)
    nuclearbobomb likes this.
  8. Do u mean the computer chip?
  9. the raspberry pi computer thing
  10. yum!

    avocado grilled cheese and tomato?!
  11. Yum!

  12. Eww!

  13. Biryani is bae tho ;-;


  14. Ew!
    Purple Potato Fries (They exist!)
  15. EWWW

    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  16. Yum indeed!

    Chocolate Truffles
  17. Yum for days
  18. Super Eeew!

    Mayonnaise (might be a instrument.)
  19. Eww! Mayonaise!

    Chicken with raspberries?