[Suggestion] PvP Arenas

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Unoski, Jan 16, 2016.



+1 6 vote(s) 60.0%
0 2 vote(s) 20.0%
-1 2 vote(s) 20.0%
  1. I suggest that there be a physical countdown that counts down until you can re-enter an arena when you die.

    Whether it be on a scoreboard or action bar. It would be very useful so you don't constantly have you wait.

    Of course, this can be a ps.

    Even if it were in chat/action bar:
    Time until you can go into arena: 30s
    Time until you can go into arena: 25s
    Time until you can go into arena: 20s
    Time until you can go into arena: 15s
    Time until you can go into arena: 10s
    Time until you can go into arena: 5s
    Time until you can go into arena: 0s
    Dr_Chocolate14 and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. Nah, its already dead. Don't want time spent on this -1
  3. I beg to differ. PenguinDJ, Arrow1222, padde73, kasdds, Keliris, and I are having a great time.
    EDIT: More people too.
    Keliris and PenguinDJ like this.
  4. I think we should like giant gladiator battles against players on a giant field with just a stick and some leather armor and who ever is able to kill everyone else wins some cool kind of armor?
  5. It would be to spammy tbh
  6. In the action bar though?
  7. Its not like it would effect you anywhere else, you are at pvp and tbh a timer would be quite helpful. That way you don't have to continuously right click every few seconds. I don't see it being all that difficult and would just be more helpful to those that do pvp.
  8. How about we just lower the countdown to 15 seconds?
    Rimont and DrMadFate like this.