Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. this should def be in the opening credits or the end credits of the minecast :p
    Yukon1200 and IcecreamCow like this.
  2. you may have a picture of the back of my head (taken last weekend on a trip I organised for best friends birthday) :p

    and a rather tired one I didn't know was being taken (this was after taking a university group to Fort William for 5 days).

    Cypher_Rahl and Maxarias like this.
  3. me bass fishing no haircut for while i couldnt find a portrait so you will have to stick with thisXDguess how old i am? im probobly the youngest here feb 2012 fishing n bike riding 004.JPG
    Maxarias likes this.
  4. hehe im 11XD everyone says im 12-13
  5. you know, since your age on your profile is 13.....
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. lol i just wanted to post emc i bet about 20 people onemc are 8
    S_R_L_B and EmpireShop like this.
  7. sooo eerr, youre not the youngest as you stated :p

    Anyways, heres me:

  8. You can't fool me. >.>
  9. Okay,Me when I am riding(Is it riding or driving) waterschooter in Sweden,Right outside my house :)

    The pic is 1 year old but still,I like it :)
    Liasen, Cypher_Rahl, Maxarias and 2 others like this.
  10. It was never one of my motives too >.>

    Its riding, cus its like the motorbike of the ocean. LOL you call it a water schooter? I call it a jet ski
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  11. Oh no, I missed all the military photos and comments?! lol I got something for that. :D
    PS. Ismooch, all the respect in the world to a fellow military member, but I gotta call you on this: an IBA, even with full SAPI plates, groin protector, neck guard, and Delt shoulders can at the MAXIMUM stop a 7.62 round.. if you're lucky.. they're not designed to stop a 50 cal round! Lol, if you get hit with a .50 round its lights out no matter what. 29 Palms.jpg
  12. shhh... they didnt know that :p
    PenguinDJ and creeper3846 like this.
  13. That is just what I was thinking! A 50 cal! Those things are massive, if some can penetrate some types of steel, how on earth can an IBA stop it! XD
    Cypher_Rahl and JabrZer0 like this.
  14. well, in all fairness, they ARE designed to stop a 7.62 with the SAPI plates in.. in fact it says right on the SAPI "7.62" and I think myth busters or someone on youtube did a video where they shot the plates with a whole bunch of different sized rounds and it held up. And, a 7.62 round is nothing to shrug at, thats still a pretty big round! I think smooch was just making a point about not being dressed for paintball, and the point was valid and not lost on me. :) Let's not get a smear campaign started here just because he wasnt %100 accurate.
  15. Me :)

    And my bog:
    PenguinDJ, Cypher_Rahl and Maxarias like this.

  16. After my eye exam... I finally have my proper eye function back... Glad eye exams are only necessary every 4-5 years while I maintain my 20/20 vision...

    I hate the black beret and now I see I had it on wrong... My maroon beret fits much better...

    My beautiful dogs. Gordon and Leizy.

    I love this dog. Gordon is the best dog I have ever had. I miss him so much. :(

    My macaw Cherri with my wife Blanca. Cherri has gotten enormous already. :)
  17. oh well, here goes XD My face looks odd on that picture :) iktux.jpg
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