Show Yourself 2.0!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by IcecreamCow, May 4, 2012.

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  1. yeah because an IBA that can take a .50 cal round is not overkill at all to wear for paintball
  2. i will give you guys one... You can see me in this photo at least

  3. This has military stuff in the background too ;) And it is TOTALLY a war zone!
  4. I mean, who doesn't play paintball with .50 cal rounds? Why, just the other day I cleaned my Barrett because the paint was starting to reduce the range.
  5. lolz to that
  6. are you the one two left from the drill sergeant second from the bottom?
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  7. OMG, I'm dying! lol
  8. ... there is evil afoot here
  9. No, you see your profile picture is just such a striking image of you that you could have only been that person!
  10. my profile picture is not me >.>

  11. No, THIS is the one I wouldn't let you post on my door. :cool: (coincidentally, I look exactly like that face in the picture)

    You just HAD to ruin my awesome streak didn't you? hahahaha ;)
  12. I dare venture to say this thread is better than the original
  13. That's just cuz it has more Yukon and ISMOOCH
    10101Link10101 and Yukon1200 like this.
  14. Mission accomplished.
  15. im thinking with the pet thing and how adorible it is i will make the thread "post your pet!", by the was i am pretty shure that is a toy poodle im guessing 6months-1year i hane one 2 years looks like that but 2 inches taller:)

  16. hehe. Notch ;)
  17. C-c-c-c-Combo Breaker!
    SecretAznEks and Yukon1200 like this.
  18. come on guys post a picture of yourself :p
    Cypher_Rahl and IcecreamCow like this.

  19. Just walked out of a gas chamber.. stopped puking to take this pic... so ... this is me..
  20. The Empire MineCast:

    PenguinDJ, Jcplugs, Hash98 and 9 others like this.
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