IcecreamCow Strikes AGAIN!!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Yukon1200, May 3, 2012.

  1. IceCreamCow's Theme Song.
    Yukon1200 likes this.
  2. They were afraid he would TNT YouTube.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  3. Old news *yawn* ;)
  4. Again, it is not our fault that it takes 4-5 hours to upload a video for us, and EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. we tried to upload the computer would either go to sleep, or the internet would cut out, or YouTube would decide to hate us, or the IT center would close in the middle of an upload....

    To make a long story short, I again apologize for any 'lateness' our videos may have because of our seemingly impossible circumstances.
  5. Check the size of your videos and tell me what size they are plz :D
  6. If you use a mac, Go to: System Preferences>Energy Saver>Power Adapter and turn on 'Wake for network access'
    Hope this helps,
  7. We don't have the user access to do that on a University computer or we would have :p
  8. You don't have a personal laptop?!
    That's what I use for this.
  9. We do have laptops. But we have tried several times to use the IT University computers to do multiple uploads at once to mediate the long upload time, and during those times we have had issues like IT closing or the computers going to sleep on us.
    Our file sizes are huge, and we realize this is more than likely the problem, but we don't have the funds or the time even for that matter to get a program that will make another file type. It's something we plan on working on, but until then, there is nothing we can do.
  10. ... Yeah this is most likely your Problem. Use your personal laptops and get windows on them xD
  11. windows ftw? i hate macs for several reasons this is one of them... So.. i knew you guys were in college ;) you sound old enough :p
  12. Actually, I have windows. Jordan (JabrZer0) has a mac. The reason we can upload any videos in the first place is because the University macs have Final Cut Pro X (a great program, and our only one we have access to) and the windows computers don't. So, since all the video files are on macs, we can't use my computer to upload anything.
  13. Ahhh I see where your coming from... Well. What you do is take the files from final cut pro and run em through windows movie maker... that should slim em up enough.
  14. We can't do that either because we can't get a file from a mac onto a windows computer to run it through movie maker. The files on a mac are written in FAT32 and windows are in NTFS. They are not compatible with one another, so we can't transfer the files in the first place.

    We are therefore in a conundrum:
    -Macs and Windows hate each other with a passion seeded in the very pits of Hell itself :mad:
    -The University macs are what have FCP X
    -That means we HAVE to use Jordan's Mac to record
    -That means we can't use my computer (or anything involving windows for that matter) to do ANYTHING
    -So we are stuck with massive video files and lack the time or funds to find another program to compress them a bit
    -We then have to deal with 4-5 hour video uploads
    -So the computers we try to upload on tend to have trouble staying connected for that long
    -So we have upload issues and can't get videos up easily
    -So our videos are put up late usually and there is nothing we can do about it at the moment

    We REALLY wish we had the time to find a different way of doing our recording to not only make smaller files, but get better audio, etc. etc. But we are both attending the same college (a rather difficult one at that) and our finals are coming up next week and we are BOTH working as hard as we can but we can only do so much, and we apologize for that :(.
  15. Your screwed xD If you get real popular you can use the money you get to buy good editing software for windows.
  16. I'm actually in the middle of getting a new computer that will be able to handle HARDCORE programs, so we can work on somethings (Like an Empire Blender animation maybe :rolleyes:) and then we can realistically save up for a good editing program (or a program that will allow a Mac to write to a windows drive. They exist, but we need time to look for them).
  17. couldnt you just save a avi file or something of your finished project to a flash drive then move it to a windows like that? or is it the codec for audio and video that isnt working for your thing on windows?
  18. Its the format of the hard drives of our computers. We COULD move them using a flash drive, but we don't have access to a 20GB flash drive. This last ICC video was 14GB I think? The biggest one we have is 6 i think. And honestly I don't know if the flash drive will work either... my computer might recognize that the files exist, but it might not allow for any interaction with said files, which has been our issue to this point.
  19. what are the files from fcp x called? like extention file when you finish them? As long as you dont reformat flash drives to mac standards they work with windows and mac.. But yeah flash drives are the most easiest way especially since they are so darn cheap.. just remove the files from them once your done each time :p I have done that with my youtube videos and upload them to youtube on my schools network which is UBER fast :)
  20. We tried using my external hard drive (the only thing big enough we can get our hands on) and it is already formatted to my computer, and I don't want to wipe the whole drive just to move some videos back and forth. And its not a matter of what the files from FCP X are, its a matter of whether the Mac can write onto my hard drive to move the files over.