The 20th Century. (RPG)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Apr 30, 2012.

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  1. Russia do you accept the treaty
  2. Japan withdraws forces too
  3. The year is 1910, I am waiting for my allies response, I am willing to accept, waiting for America to okay it
  4. America agrees to make peace with Japan.
  5. Japan has pulled back all troops and in desperate need of medical supplies
  6. Peace treaty has been made between Russia, Japan, and USA
  7. Treaty is official, Russia sends all avaliable medical supplies and doctors to counteract bio mass bomb, they bring antidote
  8. Japan starts developing medication and a new gun
  9. America sends 100 doctors to Japan.
  10. Do USA and Russia accept all of us being allies
  11. Russia's millitary lost 5k during war Russia starts building back up navy and researching a new form of vehicle
  12. America suffers great food lose from bugs destroying crops.
  13. just throwing this in here.. that war was pretty intense xD
    Dwight5273 and SecretAznEks like this.
  14. Japan is re-building Navy and Army
  15. Russia wishes it could help america, has not much food itself, looks to GB for help
  16. Dude me and pat with teh biomass bombs! It was pretty intense, you should make a country! Like spain or something not to late to join
  17. Japan is in need of food the Biomass weapons killed all cattle and other animals
  18. America finishes research with mediecan and sends some to Japan and Russia.

    America begins developing pesticides.
  19. 100,000 people die of famine in Japan
  20. Russia seriously regrets war and apologizes for dropping biomass bombs and says it was poor judgement, extends offer of alliance to Japan, starts to train more troops
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