Hey Everyone my name is 408 But my real name is Josh, I live in New Zealand and Love to play video games, I also love to play with others. so far I am loving EMC, Just the community the how the server works, the unique things make it so much better than other servers! I have taken an interest in the promotional items EMC has and hope to one day own my very own promo horse collection so I can breed and make an army of great horses. i've already made quite a few friends and I hope to make heaps more! if you see me in game be sure to say hello! -408
Hey, 408! I met you briefly ingame, and you seem like quite a nice person. I look forward to seeing you more often in our community!
Welcome to Empire Minecraft! I have seen you quite a bit in-game already, and I hope you continue to stay on EMC in the future.
No no no no Haven't you read the new book?(Magnus Chase Sword if summer) You have to have poptarts P Edit: