[AUCTION] 4 Beacons! (starts at 1 rupee!)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TomvanWijnen, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. but beacons are 15k each. 15x4=60 ;-;
  2. Please don't post in an auction unless you have a bid, please.
    PenguinDJ and TomvanWijnen like this.
  3. If I'm not mistaken... You did the exact same thing e-e
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  4. Also it's been 48 hours, this auction is over
  5. I hear a double post please keep your post in one.
    Kold_Ice and iGTR like this.
  6. You mean just then? Of course, I was telling them not to as I didn't feel the need to call in a mod and use their time for something such as that. Any other time? No, I will not post unless I have a bid or if I have something to say that is actually related to the auction in hand.
    As for this, Tahitan is right and you should try to keep both posts in one as it is listed in forum specific rules that double posting counts as spam and is hence against the rules.

    Though you do bring up a good point, Kold - it says 48 hours ending time in the original post but doesn't state if it's after the last valid bid or if it is from the post being made. If it was from the post being made then it is already over, if it is after the last valid bid then I believe it ends in about 5 hours from now.

    Tomvan, which is it? 48 hours from last bid or from the post being made? This will determine if it has ended already or not.
    Kold_Ice and Tahitan like this.
  7. I believe that if it wasn't specified then it's 48 hours after posting time, which means this auction ended on Tuesday. But yeah it's unclear, we should get staff to settle this.
  8. I of course mean 48 hours after the last bid >.>

    Auction will end in approximately 2 and a half hours if no one else decides to bid higher. :)
  9. You've won! Please pay me, I'll setup the chest on 858, smp1 asap.
  10. Paid. :) Can I get the beacons mailed to me as I am over 100k out in the frontier on smp1. Let me know what the mailing cost is and I'll pay it. Thanks.
  11. I've received the payment, and mailed the Beacons for 50 rupees. :)
  12. Thanks, when I get on later, I'll reimburse the 50 rupees. :)
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  13. 50r have been reimbursed. Thanks for the beacons. :)
  14. Thanks! :D have fun with your beacons! :)